June 21, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

June 21st, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Dan Bannier from RCAC

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Cleve Borth, Sharon George, Jim and Ratley, Irene Miller


President Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m., and recognized a quorum.

Minutes were accepted and vouchers/A-19s signed.

Budget Process

 Clerk will communicate with RH2 to determine proper budget categories for expenses not originating with RH2 and therefore not already categorized by them.

Start Up Process

(Accounting Program)

Jim Ratley spoke with the folks at Quick Water about whether to upgrade or to get a new program. Options are:

  1. Don’t buy Quick Water at all, but stay with Quick Books instead.
  2. Use the “Rural” Quick Water program currently owned by WPWU, and pay $400 in training and $650 in upgrades, for a total of $1050.
  3. Use the “Q5” Quick Water program which would cost $3000.

There was much discussion of costs and benefits of each. Finally C. Bohn motioned to upgrade the existing “Rural” program. C. Harris 2nd. Passed unanimously.

(Rate Setting)

There was much discussion on how to meet the O&M budget. There is a proposal to go with a flat rate for those who do not have meters, and a lower flat rate, plus water usage fees, for those that do. The WPWU MOU says to use the meters for billing, but it would much cheaper and simpler for the District to use a flat rate for the interim period during construction. However, the Commissioners are concerned about the difficulty of amending the MOU. C. Harris says they will go to the WPWU board and see if they will accept a flat rate for the interim period. Dan Bannier points out the WPWU aren’t using their water at high enough rates to trigger water usage fees anyway.

Based on the budget established by the Board, C. Harris makes a motion to adopt a flat rate of $39./mo, effective  August 1st, for all LWWD customers. Bohn 2nd. Unanimously passed. Dan Bannier will draft a resolution to this effect  for Commissioners to sign at their next meeting.

(Operator Contract)

Commissioners signed the contract with Cruickshank Consulting LLC. Clerk will scan and email copies to all parties including Dan Bannier so he can draft a resolution accepting the contract.

(Operating Procedures)

C. Klasell and Jim Ratley have drafted some procedures for the new District. (If adopted, these procedures should go up on the web site with hard copy in the District office files.) C. Harris asks everyone to please review and comment. Copies have been email to all Commissioners and consultants.



C. Bohn said he spoke with Jeff Burgess and was told Burgess wanted to wait for his partner Jill to return from vacation before re-opening talks about the Burges well. Jill is expected back in a few days.

(Mt. Park)

C. Harris walked the potential well sites with Jim George and came up with 3 possibilities. C. Harris passed out maps. There was much discussion of the pros and cons of various options. Sharon George says the Georges would donate site #3 as it is already a non-buildable lot.

C. Harris asked Dan Bannier what would happen if the District failed to find a water source for the Mt. Park area and was therefore unable to meet all the requirements of the Comp Plan. Dan said he would check with Tom at WA State Public works, the source of our DWSRF loan/grant package. Dan will ask Tom if it’s possible for us to defer Mt Park to Stage 2, when we might run a line down N Shore Dr.

If Tom says we must do something about Mt Park now, then C. Harris will review well drilling options with an RH2 engineer.



Irene Miller, president of BRWU suggested BRWU be compensated for allowing LWWD to share an easement  at the same rate the LWWD is compensating other land owners for easements.  Commissioner Harris suggested LWWD could compenstate BRWU by putting new pipe in the ditch. Irene Miller said she would take that offer back to her board.

Also, C. Klasell reminded the group that LWWD and Irene Miller need to sign the addendum to the BRWU MOU taking out the Burgess lots and returning the irrigation reservoir, pipes and easements to BRWU. C. Harris and Irene Miller signed, C. Klasell abstained as she is on the BRWU board, and C. Bohn postponed signing until there was an answer back from BRWU as to whether or not they will share the easement in return for new pipe.


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(Lester Addition)

Cleve Borth spoke with Schultze. C. Harris spoke with Bob West. Much discussion of working out easements followed. Cleve Borth will walk the line with Schultze this weekend and try to come up with a deal.

Clerk Replacement

C. Klasell proposed:   Change the official mailing address for LWWD to the WPWU mail box and leave it there no matter where the “office” might go. Then investigate having Gaye (clerk for Alpine Water) do payables and reporting, but break out meter reading, billing, and minutes to a local person, possibly Elaine who lives in WP. This local person would take physical possession of the computer, files and phone. Other details might be C. Kasell taking over web site and Bacon Davis wage interviews.

There was much discussion of how all these duties might be best handled.


President Harris motioned to extend the meeting to discuss clerk staffing, survey results and small works roster. There was some uncertainty as to the best time and place to reconvene, so C. Harris and C. Klasell will communicate, decide on time and place, and then let everyone know…. probably Sunday morning at the Harris’s.

There was discussion of holding official commissioners meetings weekly, at the Fire Station, until this critical busy period slows down.

President Harris suspended the meeting at 2:00pm, to be resumed 6/28/12 @ 10am


June 28th, 2012

(continuation of June 21st meeting)

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

President Harris re-opened the meeting to order at 10:00a.m., and recognized a quorum.

Partial minutes from 6/21/12 were approved. Amended vouchers/A-19s signed.


Discussion of how to assign job duties between Elaine and Bonnie. Commissioner Bohn motioned to officially hire Elaine as the new clerk, with the job description for clerk now reduced to minutes, communications, and receivables. Office will be moved to her location.The other duties of the clerk, such as payables and managerial accounting/reporting will be handled by Commissioner Klasell. Comm. Harris seconded and it was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Pay

After much discussion, Commissioner Klasell moved to begin compensating Commissioners for their service to the District, at the legal rate of $104./meeting, effective June 1st, 2012. Commissioner Harris seconded it and it was passed unanimously.


Burgess Well – Commissoner Bohn spoke to Jeff Burgess did not set up a meeting time. Commissioner Harris presented a map and a proposal outlining the rational for the offer on the well.  Harris and Bohn will meet with Burgess ASAP.

Mountain Park – Commissioner Harris worked with Dan Bannier from RCAC to get an OK from D.O.H. and tom Justice from the Commerce Dept. to get permission to move the Mountain Park segment of build out to Phase II, when the main line will come right down the road. Both DOH and PW said a delay was OK. Much discussion of various pros and cons of a delay. Commissioner Harris moved for Commissioner Bohn to hire a dowser to check Steve George’s  parcel # 27 16 14 700 045, and Jim and Sharon George’s parcel # 27 16 14 700 0465. Clerk Dickinson to call parties to initiate discussions. Commissioner Klasell seconded. Passed Unanimously.


Commissioners hope to have resolutions prepared for budget, rates, and the operator in time for next week’s meeting. The transfer date is still August 1st. Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the resolution at the next weekly meeting. Commissioner Bohn seconded. Unanimously passed.

Commissioner Klasell will check that LWWU is ready for signing. Commissioners are considering a July 28th signing party.


BRWU – Irene Miller, president of BRWU emailed the Commissioners a note accepting the District’s offer to replace BRWU irrigation pipe as compensation for sharing the BRWU easement.

WPWU – Commissioner Harris will meet with Ice this weekend in hopes of getting an OK on an easement.

Lester Addition – Dickinson Construction found a major rock formation in the proposed easement at the end of the cul-de-sac.

Karen K. from RH2 Engineering has asked that LWWD mark all their known easements with blue paint.  Commissioner Bohn volunteered to do this by Monday.

Franchise Agreement w/ Public Works

Andrew Brunner from Chelan County Public Works called and apologized for the delay. They are backed up down there, but working on producing an agreement.

Small Works Roster

Commissioners reviewed list. Clerk to email copies to Commissioners.

President Harris adjourned the meeting at 1:30 pm.

June 7, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

June 7th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Dan Bannier from RCAC, Mark Peterson legal counsel

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Cleve Borth, Sharon George, Jim and Julie Ratley


President Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m., and recognized a quorum.

Meeting opened with discussion of survey stakes being pulled up around the Lester Addition. Bruce will follow up with RH2 and Shawn at Fitzpatrick Surveying.

Mt. Park Well

Bruce relates our best hope is to combine two wells. If that doesn’t work, LWWD will consider contacting the Georges to discuss a drilling site. Sharon George says Steve, her son, would be willing to talk to LWWD about this.

Brown Road Well

There was much discussion of how to value the Burgess well and therefore come up with an offer.  Mark Peterson says the District should consider the percentage value of the property being compromised. How much impact would the well easement have on the property? VP Klasell will contact Jeff Burgess to open negotiations. President Harris motions to authorize Klasell to offer Burgess $15K. Lan 2nd. Unanimously passed.

FS Permit

President Harris has been communicating with Amelia at the Forest Service about starting earlier on some of the permit work. However, Harris now recommends waiting until RH2 has all the plans completed before starting with the FS. Cleve Borth wanted to be sure the LWWU permit gets renewed with all the other LWWD permits. Harris is working on it with all the other FS permits such as the spring site.

Commissioners agree to do the whole project at once in order to save $ and stream line the process. They hope to be ready by mid-August.


Discussion of insurance costs. CIAW quote is too high. Dwight Burke is negotiating this for the District. Jim Ratley wanted info on how WPWU can cancel their current policy. Harris said all the Association heads should keep an eye on their policy issues before cancelling. Dwight will be back in 3 weeks and will answer questions then. In the meanwhile, the District will not formally withdraw from CIAW.

Operator Contract

Discussion of cost/benefit of various services needed by the District. Daily chlorination? Service 3 days a week or only 2? Do our own testing or hire it out? Commissioner Klasell suggests the contract be minimal and then the District will pay extra for extra services when needed. Jim Ratley asked that the contract be clearly detailed as to exactly what services would be performed. Cleve Borth suggests the flushing for LWWU be “as requested by District”. There was discussion of the timing of invoices and pay. Dan Bannier points out the Operator would need to attend Commissioner meetings, perhaps quarterly. Also, the Operator needs to comply with D.O.E. and D.O.H. requirements. Perhaps these things should go in the standard operating procedure? Jim Ratley reminds the Commissioners they need to coordinate w/ Operator on meter reading. Bonnie suggest the Operator do most of his reporting on line.

President Harris will make changes in the Operator contract, and then cc the other Commissioners for approval.

Procedure Manual

Commissioner Bohn is working on this with Cleve Borth. Harris says we should keep the operations manual updated on the District computer.

Rate Review Process

Mark Peterson says there is no legal requirement for a comment period. Dan Bannier gives a detailed presentation of the budget work sheet. Variables may change, but currently we are at around $39./mo flat rate.

Transfer Docs

Mark Peterson has the initial transfer document for LWWU drafted and is working on the rest. The LWWU and BRWU are the most challenging as they have agreements which must be honored in the new contract.  There was discussion of the Dickinson and the West obligations which go forward in perpetuity. Mark also says that although the District would be better off owning the water rights outright, it’s OK for the District if it doesn’t. Jim Ratley is concerned about other entities retaining any water rights. Peterson assures group that the rights being transferred are adequate.

Mark Peterson has been communicating with the president of BRWU, Irene Miller, regarding easements for new pipes. Commissioner Klasell asks Mark Peterson about the sequence and timing of water association take-overs (managerially) and the actual signing of the transfer documents (legally). Peterson says it’s not that delicate; it doesn’t have to happen all on the same day. Clerk Dickinson received a copy of the transfer documents for LWWU to hold while we wait for agreements to be drafted for BRWU and WPWU.

Discussion of transfer date. Is August 1 still realistic? It was the general opinion to move ahead. Jim Ratley points out that either the District or the Associations can work on easements. The easement paperwork needn’t hold up the transfer.

Clerk Dickinson resigns

Dickinson presented her resignation along with her regrets and a commitment to stay involved in the District formation, but not as the clerk.

Continuation of Meeting

Commissioner Klasell motioned to continue the meeting to 9:00am, June 14th, at Commissioner Harris’s house. There will also be an Executive Session that morning to discuss staffing and property acquisitions. Harris 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:15pm.



June 14th, 9:00am, Bruce and Bonnie Harris’s House

Commissioners  Present :    President ~ Bruce Harris, Secretary/Treasurer ~ Landis Bohn, VP ~ Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Guests Present:  Jim and Julie Ratley, Barbara Harris
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President Harris re-opened the meeting at 9:00, acknowledged a quorum, and presented the agenda.

Burgess Well

Commissioner Klasell related that Jeff Burgess declined the District’s offer, and that the negotiations had not gone well. Commissioner Bohn said he had also talked to Jeff Burgess and felt there were grounds to continue the negotiations.

Discussion of the costs of other options such as the Werth/Janes well and drilling a new well. Commissioner Klasell moved to have Commissioner Bohn set up a meeting with Jeff Burgess and Commissioners Harris and Bohn to continue negotiations. Bohn 2nd. Motion passed unanimously.

(10:00am ~ Clerk Dickinson left meeting and Commissioner Klasell took over minutes.)


Mountain Park Well

Discussion continues on how to approach getting a viable water source for Mountain Park Well.  Commissioner Klasell motioned that Commissioner Harris re-contact property owner Tabor and offer him a specific sum of money, no LID participation, minimal water usage fee, for easement on his well, contingent on well test and setback variance from DOH.  Commissioner Bohn seconded, motion passed.


In addition, Commissioner Harris will contact Sharon George and walk her son’s property to determine if a well could be drilled.   If Tabor refuses our offer, we will need to pursue that option.  We will discuss that at the next commissioners meeting.



We are still waiting for surveyor to finish with BRWU Barnard Creek easement so we can see which parcels it crosses through so we know which property owners we need to contact to ask for the additional 10-12” feet of easement.   And perhaps the BRWU pipe could be sleeved to share a smaller easement.  In addition, BRWU will have to be contacted to get an easement for a pump station on their property their tank is on.  Commissioners Klasell has excused herself from those negotiations, as she is a BRWU board member.  Commissioner Harris and Bohn will try and meet with BRWU President Irene Miller prior to the next commissioner’s meeting.


Lester Addition – Commissioner Harris has contacted each of the parcel owners except for one and was well received.  Our hope is that property owners will donate the easements to the system, but the reality is that most will want some sort of compensation.


Commissioner Harris motioned that we offer individual property owners cash, 50% of assessed value of square footage (from assessors office), as recommended per LWWD counsel, instead of credits to the LID.   Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.


Clerk replacement

A lengthy discussion ensued as to whether or not we should hire another employee to replace the position vacated by clerk Dickinson, or to hire an independent contract bookkeeper.  Commissioner Bohn and Harris feel it’s important to have someone local but it’s not essential.  Commissioner Klasell feels hiring a professional bookkeeper with water district experience would make for a more seamless transition.


Commissioner Klasell would like to be appointed secretary, and is willing to keep the meeting minutes, read meters, handle the billing/receivables, and have the district hire a bookkeeper for payables.  She will contact Mark Peterson to see if this is a viable option.

Commissioner Bohn left the meeting at 11am and no final decision was made.


QuikWater Billing System

Jim Ratley, treasurer for WPWUA, gave a presentation on QuikWater software and importing the data from the DMMR meter reading equipment.  Commissioner Klasell will contact QuikWater to verify that LWWD can upgrade to the more advanced system from the software that will be transferred from WPWUA.   Commissioner Harris motioned to buy the upgrade for $1500, if it will fit our needs after her discussion.  Seconded/passed by Commissioner Klasell.

Meeting adjourned at 2:17pm