Minutes, August 27, 2015

                                                        Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                            Commissioners Meeting

                                                                  Aug 27, 2015     

                                         at Commissioner Harris’ Home (due to fire activity)

Commissioners Present: President-Jim Ratley (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner-Bruce Harris 

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Consultants: Mark Marquis-attorney, Karen Korhner, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, established a quorum and named all those present.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the Aug. 13, 2015 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed. 

Public Comments:  There were none.

Project Status, Phase 1

Punch List:  Karen reported that the meter company indicated that the meter must be grounded.  If this does not work, she suggests removing the more expensive meter and installing the meter that was specified in the plans which RH2 knows will work.  RH2 will contact Belsaas and Smith informing them that, if the project is not completed immediately, a letter will be sent informing them that their contract will be terminated and another company will be hired to complete the project.

Project Status, Phase 2

Indian artifact find:  It has been recommended by the archaeologist that additional digging be performed by our archaeologist.  This will be done by shovel probing.  An additional 80 hours will be required to complete this. Commissioner Klasell motioned to allow pay the 80 hours of labor for our archeologist to do the additional shovel probing which is required, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. The DOH indicated that digging may be needed outside of the county right of way.  Commissioner Klasell will prepare ROE’s for the affected properties.  If permission is granted, the archeologist may dig on private property.  If not, they will not be able to dig any further than within the County right of way.

Commissioner Harris reported that shortly after the driveways were resealed, Landis Bohn removed the barrier and drove across the fresh sealant.

McCarthy Driveway Issues:  Charlie spent a great deal of time talking with Jean McCarthy about how her driveway was resurfaced.  She indicated that she is very dissatisfied with what was done.  Following much discussion, Commissioner Klasell motioned to send her a copy of RH2’s recommendation for resurfacing the affected driveways, the motion was NOT seconded, motion failed.
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Commissioner Ratley motioned to complete the crack sealing and seal coating on the remaining asphalt areas not done previously, Commissioner Harris seconded;  Karen Kornher noted that her recommendation does not support the action and could be construed as gifting.  . Based on updated information provided by Charlie, RH2 will send a second recommendation.  Commissioner Klasell voted no, motion passed.

Charlie will inform Jean McCarthy of the Commissioners’ decision, indicating that what was already completed will protect her driveway from any further harm and meets the District obligation.

Sulfur testing:  RH2 will review and report later

Erosion areas:  POW will replace any that were altered during construction.

Ryan Barr: The clerk will respond to his email.


CIAW renewal:  Commissioner Klasell has been going over the renewal which requires estimates for new buildings and infrastructure.  Commissioner Harris will help with this process.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve and sign the warrant to pay $3477.75, for the July charges for the State auditor, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.

State Audit Status:  More or less complete.  Each Commissioner will have an exit interview.  Commissioner Klasell will meet in person with the auditor and obtain our documents.  The other two Commissioners may do it by phone or in person. If more than one commissioner attends in person, then we will have to advertise it as a public meeting and take minutes.


Charlie did not have any issues.

Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 pm, Commissioner Klasell seconded, meeting adjourned. 

The next meeting will be on September 10, 2015 at 10:00 am at the fire station 91 unless fire activity prevents.




Minutes, August 13, 2015

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                             Commissioners Meeting

                                                                     August 13, 2015     

                                                              at Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present:  President Jim Ratley (Skype), Secretary Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum announcing those present.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the July 9, 2015 and July 23, 2015 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public Comments: No public comments

Project Status-Phase 1

Status on new GFC110s swapping out the NFC110’s: Charlie reported that they have been swapped out.  Currently, the unit in the combined facility is not receiving a signal from the LWWU pump station equipment.  Consequently, the final punch list is not complete.

Driveway repairs on Lakeview:  Still waiting for a change order from RH2.  No action was taken at the meeting.

Project Status-Phase 2

New Customer Notification:  A letter will be sent to the new customers around the first of September who now have meters and water and are not currently being billed.  The letter will inform them when they will start being billed the monthly charge of $39.00.

North Shore Service Line Status:  Charlie reported that all affected properties appear to be connected.  He will take another assessment.

Customers on North Shore with meters:  Charlie reported that, of the 5 customers, all current vaults can be used except for Kulinski.  His vault will need a meter re-setter as his meter is 3 feet down. It needs to be brought up to 18 inches.
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West meter:  Charlie reported that he has talked with Mr. West.  He has given him the time line for flushing, clean out, etc. and he good with it.  The flushing of the new main will probably be in about 2 weeks.

Hink Meter: Mr. Hink’s meter is in and the service line has been connected

Lester Addition meter locations:  Commissioner Harris reported that Mr. Jesse Bevans has suggested that his meter be moved from its current scheduled location to behind a large rock to save snow plow damage.  Charlie will talk to the contractor about this.

Locked meter vaults:  The subject was discussed and the Commissioners feel that the vaults should remain locked to avoid damage to the meters.  The tool to open the vault is easily available.  All customers should have a shutoff installed in their house if they don’t already have one.  The meter should not be used to shut off the water unless it is an emergency such as a leak in the service line.   In these cases, the District should be called to shut off the meter.

Shutoff  Valve on Brown Road:  Charlie suggested that the District install a 8” gate valve on the line existing the combined facility pump house  to facilitate shutoff isolation and for flushing capability.

Commissioner Harris moved to have a change order made to install a 8” gate valve by the Combined facility and to install a meter setter in the Kulinski meter vault, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Barb Harris brought up the filter issue at her house.  Charlie is going to do some turbidity testing in the near future.


Audit:  Commissioner Klasell reviewed the recent state and federal auditor’s findings to date. A final report will be provided to LWWD. The auditor engagement letter was signed by Commissioners Klasell and Commissioner Harris.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for July 2015; as of 8/1/15 our funds are $51,124.28 at the County; Imprest balance is $469.95.  We have 3 customers past due 90 days, which amounts to $214.22.  Elaine has sent emails in the past but will follow it up with a letter.  The letter will let them know that if payment is not received by Sept. 15, 20156, their water will be shut off.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,559.73.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  The Imprest expenditures in July were $49.00 for postage.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #8 for $336,009.90 and corresponding CPF warrant for Phase 2, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.  This includes POW Pay Request #4 for $298,061.20.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the July payroll warrant for $1,789.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


Next meeting is August 27, 2015 at 10 am at Fire Station #91