Mar 1, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 1st, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :

Secretary ~ Landis Bohn

Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Commissioners  Absent :

President ~ Paul Schielke

Staff Present:       

Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson


Also –Barbara Harris, Bonnie & John Klasell, & Gaye Hunter (clerk for Alpine Water)

Secretary Bohn called the meeting to order at 10:00.Clerk Dickinson presented written clarification of her job proposal (see attached) stating that she wished to remain in the position, but was asking for higher pay, and would be willing to work as an independent contractor from her home office.

Commissioner Bohn introduced Gaye, the clerk from Alpine Water District who attended the meeting at his request. Bohn informed the meeting that she was interested in the position of Lake Wenatchee Water District Clerk. Bohn suggested LWWD advertise for a clerk.

Bohn proposed RH2 handle liaisons with surveyors and other such contractors directly. Commissioner Bruce Harris suggested he would confer with RH2 before the Commissioners finalized that decision. Bohn agreed, and Harris said he would talk to RH2.

Clerk Dickinson read minutes. Harris moved to accept, Bohn concurred. Minutes accepted.

Discussion returned to staffing. Bohn suggested we need a more clear description of job duties. Harris offered to create description for contract administrator, and for clerk. Bohn agreed with that and offered to create job description for system operator. Their goal is be able to advertise for all positions in one posting.

Commissioners then reviewed Gaye’s resume and asked her some questions about her background and qualifications. Gaye then left.

Clerk Dickinson gave the treasurer’s report. She asked that treasurer’s report be given on the 3rd Thursday meeting so as to pick up month end financial reports from the County before reporting to the Commissioners. (These reports are rarely posted by the County until after the 1st Thursday meeting.) Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Clerk Dickinson presented the first A-19 requisition form for Commissioners signatures. This is the form sent to the Wa State Public Works in order to initiate a transfer of funds from our grant/loan package to our account at Chelan County. The A-19 itemizes every invoice justifying the funds transfer, and then copies of said invoices are included in the packet. Once the funds are transferred to the County, LWWD will pay bills through the County system just as we have been doing. Commissioners reviewed attached invoices and signed the A-19.

Clerk Dickinson conferred with Commissioner Harris on the paperwork (insurance, district formation, etc) that he needed to get us set up with Chelan County Public Works.  She also gave Commissioner Bohn an old LWWD file with some small works roster examples to aid in Commissioner Bohn’s task of creating a current small works roster for LWWD.

Clerk Dickinson gave a brief report on the return of notorized “opt out” letters. 8 have been returned, so we are about ½ way there.

Clerk Dickinson presented a Project Review Sheet requested by DOH (cultural and environmental review department) for direction on who should be handling this sort of paperwork. It was agreed Clerk Dickinson would confer with RH2 to complete the document and get it back to DOH.

There followed some discussion of agenda for the March 15th meeting.

1.)   Dan Bannier of RCAC will be attending to help form an operational plan for LWWD to move forward.

2.)   RH2 – spring source evaluations. The commissioners would like to keep that option at least open until spring when the snow melts and the hydrologists can test the source.

Clerk Dickinson requested official authorization to purchase a copy of QB for the District and to begin loading financial data. Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Commissioner Bohn adjourned the meeting at 12:00 noon.



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