April 11, 2013 Minutes


                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                      April 11, 2013                                                     

                                                 at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum.


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from March 28, 2013

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #14 for $36,070.76 and supporting warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Payroll voucher for March in the amount of $1,409.00.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2815.83 which includes reimbursing the Imprest account $148.86 for telephone reimbursement to Karen Dickinson and $64.04 for office supplies.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris and passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to pay Elaine Kinney mileage of $27.75 for March.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Commissioner presented the project budget status and O&M budget status.

Project Issues

County Wetlands/Shoreline Variance

We received notice from Chelan County that the variance was approved.


USFS Permit Update

We signed the Cost Recovery Agreement on 3/29/13.  We have not received a firm date from USFS as to when field work will begin, last mention was an email from Amelia Anthony stating they want to do all the work at one time in June to include the spring area.  Commissioner Klasell has left her a message to verify it can’t be done sooner, and/or if June is still adequate for us getting the permit by August 1, 2013.


Engineering Estimate for Construction

The commissioners received a spreadsheet via email on 4/10/13 from Karen Korhner at RH2 with new cost estimates that put us approximately $250K over on construction.  This does not include other components of the project that are also over budget, her estimate is that we may possibly need $400K additional to complete project as designed.  After much discussion, we feel we do not have enough information to make that decision at this meeting.  Commissioners decided to have each of us go through her line item spreadsheet, and send questions by line item to Commissioner Harris.  He will then compile one letter to RH2 with these questions so the Commissioners can make an informed decision at our next meeting. Also, Commissioner Harris requested that each Commissioner email him a list of what items have caused our overruns.
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Easements for Maintenance Road

Revised easements were prepared by our attorney and submitted to the parties for review on Monday, April 8, 2013.  No response to date.


Morse/Farr Well Covenant

Our attorney sent a letter to the Morse/Farr attorney on Monday, April 8, 2013 stating we will not sign the revised agreement they prepared, we need the original agreement we sent to them as it has tougher restrictions per DOH requirements. No response to date.


System Issues


Brown Road Leak

Neither Charlie nor Commissioner Bohn has heard from Mike Dickinson as to whether or not work has been started.  Commissioner Bohn will follow up with him.


Mountain Park Meter

Charlie informed the Commissioners that the unused meter from WPWUA is too large to use, however he did find one from LWWUA that could possibly be modified to be used.


Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Charlie modify the LWWUA meter, and if that is not possible, then he is authorized to purchase a new one.  Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.


Whispering Pines – Bernard Creek

Charlie asked if the Commissioners wanted him to clean out the vault to keep the area ready if needed if needed.  After discussion, the Commissioners decided to wait until it was needed, as it will just fill up with silt/sand again.


Lan Bohn left the meeting at 11:30am

Next meeting: April 25, 2013 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 am, Commissioner Harris seconded.