August 8, 2013 Minutes


                                         Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                Commissioners Meeting

                                                      August 8, 2013

                                                at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Commissioner Landis Bohn

Absent: Secretary-Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum of two


Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 07/25/13

Clerk Kinney distributed Resolution 2013-08-08 to temporarily increase the Imprest account to $1000.00 to purchase a new laptop.  After purchase it will automatically return to $500.  Commissioner Bohn moved to sign Resolution 2013-08-08, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Clerk Kinney distributed the Treasurer’s repost for July 2013; As of 07/31/13 our funds are 23,995.08.  Accounts past due are 951.60.

Clerk Kinney distributed the updated DWSRF budget as of 7/31/13. She also distributed A19 #18 and the supporting CPF warrant.

Commissioner Harris moved to sign the A19 voucher #18 for 27012.40 and supporting CPF warrant, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Clerk Kinney distributed the payroll warrant.

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Clerk Kinney distributed O&M budget as of 07/31/13

Clerk Kinney distributed O&M warrant

Commissioner Harris moved to sign O&M warrant in the amount of $2,715.58 which includes reimbursing the Imprest account $170.99 (Carbonite and mileage), Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed. 

McCord connection: Commissioner Harris motioned to allow Mr. McChord to connect this fall only, with meter and vault.  Commissioner Bohn seconded; motion passed.Commissioner Bohn will contact Mike Dickinson to get a quote on connecting Mr. McCord to the Whispering Pines line at the end of Brown Road including the cost of the vault and meter.  Once the quote is obtained, Commissioner Harris will write a letter letting Mr. McCord how he can connect now and the cost, before the end of the fall. Commissioner Bohn suggested a date of October 20th for the cutoff for connection this year.  If he chooses to not connect this year he will have to wait until construction is completed.

Computer options and meter reading options: Clerk Kinney passed out the HD Fowler quote for the hand held meter reading which is around thirteen thousand.  The Commissioners present decided that buying a new laptop is the way to go for now.  Commissioner Harris presented his research on laptops.  Clerk Kinney will contact Master Read to find out loading the 3G software.  A laptop was chosen and if still available once funds are received for the Imprest account Commissioner Bohn moved to authorize Commissioner Harris to use the District Debit card to purchase the laptop.

Project Issues

USFS Permit:  All indications are that the USFS is working on it, but reality indicates that we will not have it until late October or November.

Water right transfer:  Commissioner Harris reported that Mr. Dunbar from the DOE toured all sites and has a better idea of the issues.

DWSRF funding: After the Webinar, it looks like there will not be any DWSRF funding until fall of 2014.  Commissioner Harris will contact Karen Klocke to get an update.

Other Issues

Commissioner Bohn moved to table the cancellation of Nov. 28 and Dec. 26 meetings until later on, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Clerk Kinney presented the issue of how to handle the Waletzky MOU and the K. Dickinson MOU which suspends the base rate for a designated period of time. The Commissioner present felt the best way it to credit them the full amount for the months on the MOU. That way, the District will not have to remember when to turn charging for the base rate back on.  Commissioner Harris will check the MOU’s to see if this action will satisfy the MOU’s. The meeting will be continued to allow Commissioner Bohn and Commissioner Harris to meet via phone to make the appropriate determination. Once that is done, Clerk Kinney will prepare the letters informing the customers of the decision.

Supplement Four from RH2:  Commissioner Klasell would like a meeting with RH2 to discuss the supplement. Commissioners Harris and Bohn feel that we needed specifics if we are to challenge RH2’s supplement 4.  All the commissioners, both present and absent from this meeting, have expressed concerns over the growing cost of the project.  Commissioner Harris will contact RH2 to schedule a meeting time to discuss not only the supplement but possible funding suggestions as well.  Commissioner Bohn moved to authorize Commissioner Harris to sign Supplement 4 from RH2 once the commissioners have had the meeting, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioners Harris motioned to continue the  meeting on Aug 12, 2013, at 9:00 am, at Commissioner Harris’s residence to further discuss Mr. McCord connection options and draft a letter, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

The next meeting will be on August 22, 2013 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station