July 12, 2012 Minutes

               Lake Wenatchee Water District

 Commissioners Meeting

July 12, 2012

 at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Bonnie Klasell, Secretary-Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk-Karen Dickinson, Clerk Trainee-Elaine Kinney

Guest Presenter: Dan Bannier (Rural Community Assistance Corportation-RCAC)

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 07/05/12



Clerk Dickinson passed out the financial report for the commissioners review.  She also informed the commissioners that the county is at the end of the fiscal year and is shut down for a couple of weeks.  This results in the checks to pay the vendors have to be held for a couple of weeks.


Commissioner Harris directed the clerk to add a section in the book where Resolutions are kept for MOU’s.  He also directed the clerk to scan all MOU’s into the computer and saved as a PDF file.

Commissioner Harris brought up and it was discussed how to back up the District computer.

WPWUA has a back-up drive that they will turn over after the July 26th transfer.  It will be used about once a month and stored in a different location than the District computer.

Commissioner Harris motioned to use the WPWUA back-up drive, Commissioner Bohn second, pass unanimously.

Quickwater software:  Commissioner Klasell and Clerk Dickinson discussed the status of the software.  The first copy was mailed but never received according to the vendor.  They are mailing a second copy.

Status of Wells

 Commissioner Bohn presented the invoice for the douser.  He tested two sites on Brown Road and two in Mountain Park.

Brown Road Well: Commissioner Bohn pointed out the areas on where the douser located water.  There were two sites.  Clerk Dickinson who is provided the land for a monetary amount said she preferred the area on the edge of the property and not in the middle of the field.   She will verify her property line before drilling is done.

Mountain park well:  Commissioner Bohn pointed out the two areas that the douser found water.  The commissioner discussed both sites and decided on one area over the other because of its access and it would be on free land that will be donated by Sharen George.  Further work needs to be done to see if the district can cross other properties adjacent to the site.   Commissioner Harris will identify the property owners.

Commissioner Klasell moved, Commissioner Harris seconded, to have Commissioner Bohn contact the property owners in Mountain park and have Commissioner Klasell contact Sharen George and negotiate a MOU,  passed unanimously.

Once this is done, Clerk Kinney will contact Tumwater drilling to obtain a proposal.

The two proposals for the Brown Road well were presented.  Commissioner Klasell called Karen Kornher about which size pipe should be used (6 or 8 inch) and the amount of gallons per minute that is needed.  Karen Kornher called back and verified that it be 8 inch pipes and at least 31/gals per minute for Brown Road and 24 for Mountain Park.

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Commissioner Bohn moved, Commissioner Klassel seconded to authorize Commissioner Harris to sign the proposal for Tumwater to drill on the Dickinson land (Parcel 271718400050), location to be determined after Karen Dickinson has looked at the site and given the OK, , passed unanimously.



Commissioner Klasell moved, Commissioner Bohn seconded, to adopt Resolution 2012-7 7-12A to accept the Administrative and Operating Directives, passed unanimously.

Commissioners reviewed the Startup Resolution that will be presented on the July 26 Commissioners meeting for all Associations to sign.

Commissioner Harris moved, Commissioner Bohn seconded, Commissioner Klasell abstained, to sign the BRWUA addendum to exclude two property owners and for BRWUA to keep the irrigation pipes, from the transfer agreement

Commissioner Klasell moved, Commissioner Harris seconded, to adopt resolution 2012-7-12B, accepting the 2013-2013 budget. passed unanimously.

Commissioner Harris moved, Commissioner Bohn seconded to sign the MOU with David Tice, granting the district temporary use of a strip of his property for construction of a pipeline, passed unanimously.


Start up Process

The final transfer documents are waiting Mark Peterson’s approval

Feedback from transfer letter sent to all members of the district.  Commissioner Klasell has had no feedback except from one member who cannot attend the meeting.


Survey Status

Commissioner Harris informed the group that the engineers have determined that we can connect the pipe from the East end of WPWUA Brown Road with the pipe in the BRWUA and eliminate the need for additional pipes to be installed in Lester Addition. The commissioners agreed to this engineering change.



After extensive investigation of the supposed Hashim property that runs the length of the upper properties on Whispering Pines, it has been proven that he does not own said property.  It was a computer error by the county assessor’s office.  The MOU will reflect the new findings.

Rate Public Meeting

 Dan Bannier from RCAC presented a preview of the July 19th presentation and asked for feedback from the Commissioners which was provided.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 1:30 pm.