February 28, 2013 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

Feb. 28, 2013

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Mark Peterson (the District’s Attorney)

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:10 am and acknowledged a quorum existed

Commissioners approved and signed the minutes from 02/14/13 and extension of said meeting held on 02/25/13

Maria Mayer LID waiver

There was an error on the parcel number for Maria Mayer’s property on the BRWU transfer document.  As a result of this Franz Meyer’s parcel was included in LID, and not Maria’s.  Franz Mayer is not a member of BRWU. Franz does want water and as a result Maria needs to be added via a waiver.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to submit a waiver to Maria Meyer, to add her parcel  271719210060 to the LID and requiring her to sign and return by April 1, 2013, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Mayer/Franz Service Connection

Commissioner Harris reported that  because the wetland permit was already in process it cannot be changed at this point. We would have to submit a new permit which would severely delay the whole project. Commissioner Klasell stated that Maria and BRWU had been informed back when the LID was formed that a pipe would be placed on Lake Wenatchee Hwy to service her parcel.

Commissioner Harris motioned to place Maria Meyer’s meter on Brown Road where her private easement currently exists and will be connected like the other lots on Brown Road, Commissioner Bohn seconded,

Commissioner Klasell voted NO.

There was discussion of how to handle service lines that cross private property. Attorney Mark Peterson feels that each situation should be handled as they come up and the Commissioners should not set a general policy to cover all.  The district is only responsible for the vault and meter placement.

Commissioner Klasell motioned that all vaults and meters should be installed on public right of ways, and if they need to be installed on private property the District will require an easement before vault/meter can be placed.  Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

 Easement for upper Whispering Pines system

There was discussion as how to handle the fact that the meters and service line are on private property.

Commissioner Harris submitted a map dated 02/27/13 suggesting how to move the meters so they are on county right of ways. After much discussion and clarification:

Commissioner Klasell motioned to revoke the motion from 2/14/13 to have our attorney create easements, and to accept the meter location for lots 4,5,6 as depicted on the map provided by Commissioner Harris, dated 02/27/13.  (Map attached) The District will bear the cost of the meter relocation and the piping to attach the service line to the meters, Commissioner Harris seconded, Commissioner Bohn abstained from the vote.

 Commissioner Klasell motioned to revoke the motion from 2/14/13 to have our attorney create easements, and to accept the meter location for lots 1,2,3 as depicted on the map provided by Commissoner Harris, dated 02/27/13.  (Map attached) The District will bear the cost of the meter relocation and the piping to attach the service line to the meters, Commissioner Bohn seconded, Commissioner Harris abstained from the vote.

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Inspection Resumes

Commissioner Bohn reported on the resumes received. They were also sent to Karen Kornher at RH2.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to table the resumes until the next meeting which gives Karen Kornher a chance to review, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

 Attorney Fees Reimbursement

Mr. Hashim submitted his agreement along with his attorney’s invoice.  It was decided to pay the fee.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to pay Hashim’s attorney fee, Harris seconded, passed.

Morse/Farr Well Covenant

 They have requested that the District pay their attorney fees to review the Well Covenants.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to agree to pay up to six hundred dollars in reimbursement for attorney fees for reviewing the Farr/Morse Well Covenant contingent on receiving a signed agreement by April 1, 2013, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

 USFS Permits

 There was an email received from the USFS Archeologist claiming that there are issues with the permit.

The Commissioners agreed that this should be sent back to Karen Kornher to handle and that the project should not go out for bid until it has been resolved.  Commissioner Klasell will contact Karen and inform her of this decision.

Commissioner Klasell motioned that the project will not go out for bid until the issues with USFS and the Section 106 approval has been resolved, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


 The Bill Burgess property on Brown Road is receiving water from the district on a temporary basis and is paying the monthly service charge.  He needs to make a decision to either join the LID  revoke his opt-out paperwork, or connect to his well by May 1, 2013.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to authorize Mark to draft a letter to Mr. Burgess telling him that he has until April 1, 2013 to either join the district and accept the LID or his service will be cut off May 1, 2013 and that if he does decide to join after April 1, 2013, he will pay all costs incurred by the change orders to add him to the project later, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

 Clerk Kinney reported on the Verizon phone situation.  It is still on-going but hopes to have it resolved soon.

 Other Business

RH2 had a question about the property in Mountain Park owned by Irvin Sonker.  It was decided that Clerk Kinney will provide the map and phone number to Commissioner Bohn who will contact Mr. Sonker.

Commissioner Klasell adjourned the meeting stating that the next meeting will be held on March 14, 2013 at 10 am at the District 9 Fire Station.  Meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.

Minutes February 14, 2013

                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                               Commissioners Meeting

                                                   Feb 14, 2013

                                               at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner-Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Karen Dickinson, Barb Harris, Jim Kalinski, Dwight Burke, Mike Dickinson, Mike Babst

The meeting was called to order at 10 am. Commissioner Harris acknowledged a quorum


The minutes for the Jan 31, 2013 were approved and signed.

Commissioner Klasell presented the estimated January Treasurer’s report (actual report not released from the county due to a new computer system), current budget status reports, A19 #12 and supporting CPF warrant, January payroll, and the O&M warrant. We currently have $17,022.18 in our operating accounts (O&M and Imprest). The past-due accounts receivable is $1,762.00 as of 01/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the A19 voucher #12 for $57,595.73, and supporting Capital Porject Fund warrant. Commissioner Harris seconded and passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for January in the amount of $2097.50.Commissioner Harris seconded and passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,127.38. Commissioner Harris seconded and passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept Resolution 2013-214 to raise the clerk’s pay to $20.00/hr, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Project Status

There was much discussion regarding Mr. Kalinski’s request to be added to the LWWD, added to the LID and receive water to his property. There were many options discussed.


Commissioner Harris motioned to add Mr. Kalinski to the LID by use of a waiver to service his property by running a two inch line that he will pay for. Once the cost estimate is received he can back out of the agreement within 72 hours of it being presented, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.


Tim Gellatly discussed the work change orders to the pump house plans.


Commissioner Harris motioned to stay with the original MOU dollar amount and accept the changes to the work statement proviced as long as he will work with the prime and put in the slab, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.


The meter maps were discussed, and there were no last minute changes.

Mike Babst attended the meeting to make sure that we will notify the home owner when the work is being to install his meter so that he can make sure it is put in the correct place. The Commissioners assured him that they would.


The final review maps will be picked up by Charlie Cruickshank. The Commissioners will review the maps and will resume this meeting at the district office on Feb. 25th to discuss any last minute revisions.
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The ad for the inspector position was discussed and a shorter version directing the interest parties to the LWWD website for specifics of the qualifications needed will be placed in the Wenatchee World.


The upper system connection and easements were discussed for lots 1-6. WPWUA put in the two inch water line on those lots but did not have an easement.

Commissioner Harris motioned to have Mark Peterson work up an Easements for all 5 property owners to sign to cover the line that is already installed, Commissioner Bohn seconded.


The meter location change was discussed for Marie Mayer’s property. She would like it on the Lake Wentachee Hwy but because of the wet land issue it cannot be done according to RH2. More investigation needs to be done and Mark Peterson needs to weigh in on the issue.


The issue of too much pressure for certain properties and the need for PRV valves to reduce the pressure, was discussed as to who is responsible for installing, the district or the property owner. It was agreed that the property owner would be made aware of the issue and would be responsible for installing and maintaining since it is past the meter.

Commissioner Harris motioned to make the propety owners responsible to install the PRV valve after being notified of the pressure issue, Commissioner Bohn seconded, Commissioner Klasell voted no.


Commissioner Klasell will attend the CUP and SSDP/WV hearing for Feb. 20 and March 6th (if needed)


The district is waiting for the archeologist’s revised plan. It has not been received as yet. He is working with the FS archeologist who has to review the material from the DOH. He is hoping that they will not require additional field work to be done, but if they do, it would have to wait until the snow is gone. As soon as he hears something he can finalize the plan.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the water right transfer that our attorneys are working on. This is what Marc Marquis sent in an email:

Bonnie has requested more explanation regarding our most recent invoice. As you are aware, we are in the process of completing several water changes for the District. The purpose of these changes is to conform the 8 individual water rights to the service area of the water district. One final item for these changes involves integrating the conclusions from a hydrogeological report which concerns the hydraulic connectivity of the separate water supplies. We’ve been waiting on this report for a few months now. I received this report during the first part of January and spent a few hours updating all our water change documents. These changes are now complete and I will present them to the Chelan County Water Conservancy next Thursday for review and hopefully approval. Once approved, the Board will forward the documents on to DOE for further review. With any luck, we should have our final answer around June. Please let me know if you have additional questions.


Easements and USFS access

John Hashims has been sent out, not received back.


Mtn. Park

 Commissioner Klasell reported that Mr. Farr did not like the herbicide requirement.


Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn to meet again on Monday, Feb 25th at 10am at the District offices to discuss the final map changes, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.