Mar 22, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Special Commissioners Meeting & Continution Minutes

March 22th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :     President ~ Paul Schielke, Secretary ~ Landis Bohn,

Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Karen Korhner & Steve Nelson from RH2

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Bonnie Klasell


Commissioner Shielke called the meeting to order at 10:00am

C. Shielke opened with a report of his meeting with the Forest Service yesterday. LWWD will need to modify the permits to continue use of the tanks and spring source. Also, if we abandon the spring source, we will have to remove the pipe at our own expense. The F.S. wants a proposal to repair the spring. When they get that, they will review the proposal, including financial projections. LWWD will have to fund the F.S. projected costs in advance.

Karen K asked for a time frame for permit. C. Shielke asked the F.S. for a signed decision by Sept 1st. The F.S. said they could probably do that if LWWD got the proposal to them soon.

Steve Nelson, geologist from RH2 then gave a report on potential ground water sources:

Re: Brown Rd well – Steve worked with Charlie (BRWU operator). They pumped the well for 2 hours with a steady draw at first which then stabilized after 15 or 20 minutes. The well rebounded quickly. Seems to be a good aquifer. Can sustain 50gal rate, possibly more. Still, there is uncertainty as to what would happen if the well were pumped at that rate for days or even months. Steve recommended monitoring water levels, starting immediately, to see if the well can produce 50/gal/min over time. Steve guesses there is a moderate risk the well can’t handle harder use. Bonnie Klasell said she would ask Charlie to monitor the water levels. Steve also said the well should be equipped with an automatic pressure transducer data logger. ($500. To $1000.)

So, Brown Road has a good well, but we still need another source, and the Brown Road area is a good place to look. C. Shielke asked how much does it cost to look for wells. Steve answered that a new well with drilling, test screen, testing etc., is around $20K but that to actually develop the well would be substantially more, depending on the work needed. Could be as high as $70K.

Re: Lake Wenatchee Water Users well – Steve looked at Tumwater Drilling log – 30gal/min steady. That’s all the well can do. Installation of a well screen (or re-drill well) might get a little more water (maybe 40gal/min?) but probably not worth doing. We should use 30gal/min for planning purposes.

Re: Mountain Park – Steve has no data on that well. It’s on the shoreline so DOH will want treatment. Will probably need a new well drilled. Current well goes under water regularly. Not good. There may be another well that can be used up higher, away from Lake. There are rights of way that may be used, but LWWD would have to look at setbacks, septics, etc. to site new well. C. Harris asked what it would cost to run line from main water of LWWD out to Mountain Park. Karen K replied it would be prohibitively expensive. C. Shielke asked how we can cost these options out. He’d like to avoid the risk of drilling. Steve points out the best way to avoid that risk is to use existing wells. One that might work belongs to John Hashim. C. Bohn is a friend of Mr. Hashim’s and said C. Bohn agreed to would talk to Hashim about it next week while visiting. C. Shielke asked how to proceed with decision making. Steve said he would provide a map with good well sites shown, and then it would be up to Commissioners to decide on an action plan.

Commissioner Shielke then asked Steve about the spring source data Shielke had sent Steve to evaluate. Steve said the data was 12 years old and ambiguous. He couldn’t recommend relying on that data. He could make a better evaluation once the snow melts and he can inspect the spring source. He needs to see how the water comes in and whether it could be protected. He could make a better recommendation after seeing it, but still can’t guarantee the DOH will sign off on it. C. Harris asked if photos would help while waiting for the snow to melt. Steve said no, he can’t use photos for evaluation.

Commissioner Harris expressed concern about the time and $ being spent on exploring both the spring source and the well source development paths. He asked what extra LWWD was spending to keep the spring source in the loop. Karen K. answered that we are supposed to have a project report completed by June. (She reminded Commissioners of the project schedule she provided a few weeks ago.) She needs to start the project report by next week to stay on deadline. It would cost an additional $3-5K to continue including the spring source. She said there are lots of risks with the spring source development. It’s likely to be expensive.

There followed much discussion as to the technical feasibilities. Pressure ratings, pipe size & length, shared ditches, etc.

C. Bohn moved that LWWD just focus on wells at this time.

Bonnie Klasell asked if LWWD could build the new system without a new well at this time. Karen K. answered that LWWD could just barely make it right now with the water already available. However, if there is any increase in demand over the next 20yrs, we’d need a new source, and we are funded to provide water for 20 years. Another down side of not putting in a new well is that we’d have no back up if a well failed. However, if we keep the spring as an emergency source, then perhaps we’d have enough back up. Karen K. strongly recommends keeping the spring source as our emergency back-up.

C. Harris said we need to consider the risk of DOH not signing off on spring source after all the work and $ that would have to risked in development. He agrees with C. Shielke in personally wishing to save spring source, however, he doesn’t think it’s feasible for the District at this time. He introduces a motion in writing to proceed with well source only. (Motion follows here)

LWWD Commissioners:
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In the spirit of cooperation and with the recognition of the tremendous financial risk and schedule delays, I suggest that the LWWD commissioners move ahead with the well source development plan already in place.  The overwhelming potential cost to the district customers if the spring can’t meet DOH approval, without extensive additional investment for filtering, puts too much pressure on the overall success of the district development plan.

Bruce Harris


LWWD Motion

  1. Proceed with the 2011 LWWD Comprehensive Plan as proposed by RH2 to develop well infrastructure.
  2. Develop the spring source as an emergency water source now.
    1. Analyze the spring-site for potential emergency use
    2. Make modifications necessary to meet ‘emergency’ requirement status
    3. Maintain USFS permits as required
    4. Perform minimal water testing as required by the DOH
    5. Maintain the pipeline and pump house to keep source viable
    6. Form a committee that will research the funding methods to develop the WPWUA spring as a viable primarygravity fed water source which could support the future expansion of LWWD.  This committee will report to the LWWD commissioners.
      1. Research and apply for grants/funding for the rehabbing of the spring source.
      2. Develop a project plan and schedule.
      3. Maintain communications with the Washington Department of Health to assure the final approval of the developed spring.


C. Shielke asked that the vote be postponed until the next meeting and the other Commissioners agreed.

It was agreed that Steve Nelson was no longer needed at the meeting, and so he left with the promise of sending the Commissioners a map of promising wells to explore.

C. Shielke asked Karen K. to discuss contract administrator position. Karen K. said there are essentially two main categories of duties involved:

The first category is contract compliance – SRF stuff. RH2 will provide oversight and make sure contact requirements are met. Rh2 will take care of physically inspecting construction and signing off on it. RH2 is in charge of compliance.

The second category of duties would fall to LWWD and involve such things as facilitating the financial transactions… paying invoices after RH2 has signed off on them, requisitioning loan funds, reporting, etc. Also, LWWD would double check compliance with Bacon Davis wage requirements. This would involve job site interviews at least weekly, and could be a duty of the LWWD clerk.

C. Shielke turned the discussion to the small works roster needed by LWWD. Karen K. will send us a list of things to include in the small works roster posting. Karen K. says boiler plate from C. Bohn is fine, but needs a little elaboration as to specific needs such as “well driller” “electrician”, etc. Bonnie Klasell thinks LWWD may be required to advertise quarterly. Karen K thinks annually is OK. In any case, Clerk Dickinson is to bring proposed ad copy to next meeting for Commissioners review.

C. Shielke said the Special meeting is adjourned and now the Commissioners move to Executive Session to discuss Clerk position.

Commissioner returned from Executive Session to offer Clerk Dickinson a pay rate of $20./hr retro to Feb 1st. Dickinson accepted.

Meeting adjourned.

Mar 15, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 15th, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :     President ~ Paul Schielke, Secretary ~ Landis Bohn,

Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Staff Present:   Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson

Consultants Present: Dan Bannier of RCAC

Guests Present: Barbara Harris, Bonnie and John Klasell, JoAnne Burke, Mike Dickinson


Commissioner Shielke called the meeting to order at 10:00am

The agenda was immediately revised due to inclement weather and the subsequent absence of  Steve from RH2, who was to share information on well siting and spring reclamation. Also absent was legal counsel Mark Peterson. It was agreed to continue the meeting next week, March 22nd when the missing parties could attend.

Transfer Documents:

Shielke said there was general agreement amongst the Commissioners that Mark Peterson should handle the creation of all the transfer documents to finalize the transfer of the individual associations to the district. It should be cheaper and more efficient to do them all at once, and then let the associations review the documents with their own counsel, should they wish.

Dan Bannier has a template for merger agreements/transfer documents that he can send as a sample for Mark to follow. It is hoped this might save some legal bills.

Dan Bannier said that Karen K. from RH2 will handle the water rights transfers w/ the DOE in Yakima, and doesn’t believe there will be any problem with the transfers.

LWWD will need some research at Chelan County to find easement records. Commissioners agree to discuss at March 22 special meeting.

Conflict of Interest:

Mark Peterson’s gave an opinion (via email) that the Commissioners were not in a position of conflict as they do not stand to personally gain monetarily from any of the District’s transactions. He also advised that Commissioners be careful to advise the other Commissioners any time there might be an element of personal gain.

WPWU Lots with no Service:

Bruce is working with the DOH on this with the DOH and is waiting for a response from Mike Wilson. Commissioners are optimistic it can be resolved.

Transfer Process:

  1. 1.     LWWD needs to coordinate with PUD. Commissioner Schielke sent Pat @ PUD a map and has started the process.
  2. 2.     LWWD needs to coordinate with Chelan County Public Works. Commissioner Harris has sent Mitch at Public Works a packet of info the get the franchise agreement started up. This agreement says LWWD will comply with Public Works specifications for road construction, etc. As long as it is working on a public right of way or easement, LWWD must adhere to the County guidelines.

Commissioner Shielke asked Dan Bannier if he could assist in negotiating those specifications with Public Works. Commissioner Harris said he will try to get the spec so LWWD & Bannier can review.

Joanne Burke asked how the easement about Whispering Pine will be handled. Commissioners answered they don’t know yet because they haven’t resolved the well vs spring question yet, and other planning all comes from that.

Bruce suggests asking RH2 to give LWWD a report on which assets needing to be transferred from each association will actually be used in the new Comp Plan.

Bonnie Klasell says we need to clarify that the concrete holding tank stays with Brown Road Irrigation. Bonnie says she will present a transfer list for BRWU. Also, she asked if BRWU need to rewrite their MOU since not all of their members are joining the District. Commissioners said no, because it is the District which is allowing those members to withdraw.

Spring vs Well:

Commissioner Schielke says he is determined to preserve the spring source and that he will continue to fight for it. He points out that although the estimates from RH2 to reclaim the spring source are high, that the cost of a well is high when you consider the electricity to pump the well over 20 years.

Commissioner Harris says he has talked at length to Karen K. at RH2 and Bruce now supports the well given the financial data. LWWD needs a third source of water immediately and RH2 can’t move on with the project until the Commissioners make a decision. Since RH2 is already falling behind schedule, Karen K said RH2 could pursue both approached simultaneously. The down side to this is the money the District would have to pay RH2 to do this.

Commissioner Harris also said Mike Wilson from the DOH hasn’t been encouraging regarding the spring. He says LWWD could spend big buck and get nothing. Commissioner Harris related that Karen K from RH2 said the District could keep the spring option open as an emergency water source, and perhaps up grade it to a primary water source in the future.

Commissioner Bohn asked how much money had already been spent in consulting fees regarding the spring source. Clerk Dickinson did not know, but offered to tally it and report back. Commissioner Bohn motioned for no more funds to be expended exploring the spring option at this time. No seconds.

Commissioner Schielke asked to see well costs before making a final decision. He also wants to send Steve, the geologist from RH2, up to see the spring source.

Commissioner Bohn again moved to officially return to the Comp Plan as written, but to not actually drill wells until Steve had a chance to inspect the spring site. No second.

Barbara Harris  points out that the spirit of the WPWUA MOU is honored if the spring source is reserved as a future option.

Commissioner Schielke moved to table the spring vs well discussion until the March 22nd special session. Commissioner Harris seconded, and it was unanimously agreed.

Administrative Business:

Clerk Dickinson reported the office move has been completed. LWWD is now located at 17201 N. Shore Drive, Lake Wenatchee WA 98826.  The office phone # is 509 679-1353.

Commissioner Harris moved to officially change the address. Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Commissioner Harris asked Clerk to continue with the new practice of emailing minutes to the Commissioners as soon after the meetings as possible. Clerk agreed and suggested the minutes should also be forwarded to the Association Head, and all LWWD consultants such as RH2, Peterson and Bannier. Commissioners unanimously agreed. Clerk also suggested posting approved minutes on the web site, but was concerned about Commissioner approval for what should go on the web site. Paul Schielke moved, and it was unanimously agreed that Clerk Dickinsons should just put up a simple web site immediately, using the Whispering Pines site as an example.

Clerk Dickinson then announced the first draw of $31,129.04 from the DWSRF grant/loan is in the LWWD account at Chelan County. Clerk then presented a stack of overdue vouchers to be signed for payment.

This brought up the need to resolve the terms of Clerk Dickinson’s employment with LWWD. As it was the Commissioners’ and the Clerk’s wish to move to an independent contractor relationship, Clerk presented the Commissioners with an invoice for her services for the months of January and February, 2012. (33.5 hours at $25./hour for a total of $837.50) Commissioner Bohn stated that when LWWD pays L&I and other employee costs, the rate of $15./hr remains in place until the position of clerk is changed to a independent contractor position. Commissioner Harris asked Clerk Dickinson to draft a contact, retroactive to March 1st, and present it at the March 22nd meeting.

Commissioner Harris then motioned that potential operators be informed of available positions at the April 5 Commissioners meeting. He also suggested that Clerk Dickinson write up a contract, date it March 1st, and present it at the next meeting, March 22nd.

Dan Bannier then gave advice on managing Independent Contractors and their performance and costs. He is willing to serve as a 3rd party consultant in such matters.

Clerk Dickinson expressed frustration at the continuing delay on a decision regarding her employment with LWWD, and asked if whatever decision was made at the next meeting would be retroactive to when discussions began in January. Commissioner Bohn said no, you remain a $15./hr employee, but Harris and Shielke began to discuss other options. At that point, Commissioner Bohn left the meeting and did not return. As he was departing, Commissioner Harris called out that the meeting was not over yet, but Bohn did not respond. Commissioner Shielke pointed out that there was still a quorum and suggested they continue.

There followed a discussion of how hard it was to find Commissioners since it’s an entirely volunteer position and takes a lot of work and dedication to be done well. It was suggested LWWD should consider paying Commissioners the small amount allowed by law. Clerk Dickinson said she would look up the regulation and report at the next meeting.

Dan Bannier offered to send over some publications with advice on administering water systems.

There followed a discussion of the apparent absence of by-laws. If they were ever created, no one seems to have a copy any more. Clerk Dickinson said she would check at the Chelan County Auditors, and the Washington State Auditors offices to see if anything was ever recorded.

Clerk Dickinson related a problem at Cashmere Valley Bank where-in none of the current Commissioners nor the current clerk are signers on the Imprest bank account there. This had forced Dickinson to pay for LWWD supplies with her own funds, (for which she will be reimbursed.) Commissioner Schielke motioned for all Commissioner, and Clerk Dickinson to become signers on the account, and for the previous names to be removed as signers. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Harris (& Dan Bannier) asked for Clerk Dickinson to email him a complete list of LWWD constituents. Dickinson agreed.

Next Meeting Agenda:

March 22nd – Commissioner Paul Schielke tabled today’s meeting, and the clerk discussion, until then. After the continuation of the regular Commissioners meeting on March22nd, there will also be a Special Meeting to discuss well vs. spring sources with Steve from RH2, and contractor options with Karen K. from RH2.

April 5th – RFPs from operators. Mark Peterson invited to attend.

Commissioner Shielke adjourned the meeting at 1:45pm.

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Mar 1, 2012 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting Minutes

March 1st, 2012

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners  Present :

Secretary ~ Landis Bohn

Commissioner ~ Bruce Harris

Commissioners  Absent :

President ~ Paul Schielke

Staff Present:       

Clerk ~ Karen Dickinson


Also –Barbara Harris, Bonnie & John Klasell, & Gaye Hunter (clerk for Alpine Water)

Secretary Bohn called the meeting to order at 10:00.Clerk Dickinson presented written clarification of her job proposal (see attached) stating that she wished to remain in the position, but was asking for higher pay, and would be willing to work as an independent contractor from her home office.

Commissioner Bohn introduced Gaye, the clerk from Alpine Water District who attended the meeting at his request. Bohn informed the meeting that she was interested in the position of Lake Wenatchee Water District Clerk. Bohn suggested LWWD advertise for a clerk.

Bohn proposed RH2 handle liaisons with surveyors and other such contractors directly. Commissioner Bruce Harris suggested he would confer with RH2 before the Commissioners finalized that decision. Bohn agreed, and Harris said he would talk to RH2.

Clerk Dickinson read minutes. Harris moved to accept, Bohn concurred. Minutes accepted.

Discussion returned to staffing. Bohn suggested we need a more clear description of job duties. Harris offered to create description for contract administrator, and for clerk. Bohn agreed with that and offered to create job description for system operator. Their goal is be able to advertise for all positions in one posting.

Commissioners then reviewed Gaye’s resume and asked her some questions about her background and qualifications. Gaye then left.

Clerk Dickinson gave the treasurer’s report. She asked that treasurer’s report be given on the 3rd Thursday meeting so as to pick up month end financial reports from the County before reporting to the Commissioners. (These reports are rarely posted by the County until after the 1st Thursday meeting.) Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Clerk Dickinson presented the first A-19 requisition form for Commissioners signatures. This is the form sent to the Wa State Public Works in order to initiate a transfer of funds from our grant/loan package to our account at Chelan County. The A-19 itemizes every invoice justifying the funds transfer, and then copies of said invoices are included in the packet. Once the funds are transferred to the County, LWWD will pay bills through the County system just as we have been doing. Commissioners reviewed attached invoices and signed the A-19.

Clerk Dickinson conferred with Commissioner Harris on the paperwork (insurance, district formation, etc) that he needed to get us set up with Chelan County Public Works.  She also gave Commissioner Bohn an old LWWD file with some small works roster examples to aid in Commissioner Bohn’s task of creating a current small works roster for LWWD.

Clerk Dickinson gave a brief report on the return of notorized “opt out” letters. 8 have been returned, so we are about ½ way there.

Clerk Dickinson presented a Project Review Sheet requested by DOH (cultural and environmental review department) for direction on who should be handling this sort of paperwork. It was agreed Clerk Dickinson would confer with RH2 to complete the document and get it back to DOH.

There followed some discussion of agenda for the March 15th meeting.

1.)   Dan Bannier of RCAC will be attending to help form an operational plan for LWWD to move forward.

2.)   RH2 – spring source evaluations. The commissioners would like to keep that option at least open until spring when the snow melts and the hydrologists can test the source.

Clerk Dickinson requested official authorization to purchase a copy of QB for the District and to begin loading financial data. Commissioners unanimously agreed.

Commissioner Bohn adjourned the meeting at 12:00 noon.



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