Meeting Minutes, July 14, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond, Helen Deems (Quorum present)

Staff Present: Helen Deems, Clerk; Charlie Cruickshank, Operations Manager

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm

Commissioner Harris Moved to accept the Minutes for June Commissioner’s 2 part meeting as submitted. Commissioner Guimond seconded, Motion Carried.

Public Comments: Commissioner Harris shared Bonnie Klasell’s email regarding information and opinion on Lien/legal expenses recovery for long standing overdue account (parcel 271718430010)

Commissioner Harris – “American Rescue Fund” – has Drinking Water Infrastructure Grants (Chelan County received 15 million but deadline for competing applications is soon). Mike Stanford of Fire District will email an application to Commissioner Harris when it becomes available in a few days. Commissioner Harris was asked if there were any pending infrastructure rescue situations where the grant money might be used. Commissioner Harris said he would forward the information to the LWWD Commissioners for further review and discussion.


Well/Reservoir security – Commissioner Harris asked about precautions being taken at Lake Wenatchee Reservoir to prevent vandalism and shared concerns about cyber threats. Operations Manager Charlie confirmed that everything is secure, and Password protected and requires double authentication as of at least 6 months ago when he discussed SCADA security with our RH2 Engineering rep.

Generator Update – Commissioner Harris reported that the generator is working and at correct voltage output now after latest part replacement/service call. Commissioner Harris has emailed reps to schedule load testing and training date with the electrical installer contractor, the Kohler generator manufacturer service rep, Charlie (including his back-up, Steve Allen) and himself; no fault has been assessed.

Water Usage – Leak Monitoring; large consumers – Commissioners discussed recent leaks -about half have been resolved only 1 Customer was not reached even by mail to service area. Clerk has a tracking sheet for follow-up. In addition, a customer emailed clerk asking about Amazon “Eye on Water,” a device that is attached over incoming pipe. Charlie said he reviewed device online and the less expensive ones do not shut water off, just alert to running water. He did not know if the device would cause problems with our meter MIUs. Commission agreed that the interested customers could purchase device on their own, but we would advise that they would need to install it on their own property away from our meters MIUs (including saddle and 3’ extension) to prevent conflict.

After reviewing possible solutions to curb overuse of water during dry season, Charlie suggested that during his well checks he could pay a visit and check on how water is being used and suggest conservation to prevent well drawdown; Commissioner Harris suggested sending an email communication to Customer base reminding them to conserve, especially during the dry summer months where overuse could have a substantial impact to other users.


Other System updates from Charlie – PRV Maintenance? – Charlie confirmed tested every 3 years; MIU replacements? Charlie said he would need a couple days immediately following August Meter Read of 8/25 since there are 8 to do; he will check to see if it will work to do those 8/26 and 8/27 to help facilitate Bookkeeper records.

EPA/DOH Earthquake Seminar – 2 Commissioners and Operation Manager attended – good discussion of interagency cooperation and resources – organizers said links and copies of presentation materials will be available for all registered participants soon.


Review financial Policy (appendix C) of Administrative and Operating Directives – Commissioners agreed to table approvals and have clerk revise language regarding tasks to make our document more generic rather than specific to clerk or bookkeeper thus avoiding extra updating as organizational changes take place. Clerk will make updates for review and approval and resolution at August meeting*

Review, Update, Approve Water Availability Certificate form – After a few line changes, Commissioner Harris moved to approve the form with stated changes, Commissioner Deems 2nded, Motion carried.

Approve: Monthly reports and warrants-

Treasurers Report: shows $32,415.41 in the general fund (account 682.701), and $90,812.07 in the reserve fund (total $123,227.48 at the County). Imprest balance is $896.30; $1.10 was paid for 811 referrals, $102.60 to post office for 6-months box renewal. July 1, 2022, Customer Aging Report shows 15 accounts over 60 days for a total of $2,348,56 and 2 accounts over 90 days for a total of $7,752.45. After discussion of simplifying Bookkeeper tasks, Commissioner Harris agreed to email Bookkeeper to allow Quick Books Balance Sheet (like she shared last meeting) to replace Treasurers Report (and data entry that report requires), if pending expenses and Imprest statement are also emailed for review.

Commissioner Deems motioned to approve the June 2022 Financial Reports as presented, Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $5,077.17, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to sign the June payroll warrant for $2,126.00; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Clerk Report

Customer correspondence – 3 emails added thanks to CCR letter: cc JH for Customer Database updating.

water avail/service apps updates

Parcel 27164700044 New Water AvailRequest (exist cust#1147 to develop adjacent lot 44?) new meter connection for single family 2500sqft. Commissioners reviewed to find inconsistency with Parcel ID on Request Form submitted compared to email description (Typo suspected). Operations and Commissioners discussed best water main source which should be the 2” main across the Lake Wenatchee Hwy from the parcel. Commissioner Harris moved to approve water availability certificate for upper lot after confirmation of the correct parcel id for the parcel without a meter. Even though the water main to be used is across Lake Wenatchee Hwy, the meter vault will remain in the highway easement next to the parcel. Clerk to make contact and confirm and issue Certificate.

Parcel 271718340575 Unassigned Brown Road – needs single vault not double but the parcel owner has not returned communications on timing of the installation.

Parcel 271718665110 16654 Fir Road -(no Service app or connection fee $13K received). Corner house is being currently under construction.

3g phone upgrade update – need to take unit from Bookkeeper and have transferred/activated in Wenatchee Verizon store; Could have Verizon bill LWWD or use debit card for 1 time $146 expense– commissioners tabled for later. LWWD has until 12/31/2022.

Authorize/Approve small works roster advertisement – $50 for 2 times (Wed printing) in Business Classified in Leavenworth Echo and Cashmere Record. Need approved copy before noon Friday. Commissioners Agreed to have clerk sign acceptance, place ad to run 2 Wednesdays starting 7/20/22 and have publication bill LWWD.

Parcel 271718430010 response update – After further discussion on the timeline of events behind the history of this parcel, Commissioner Harris Motioned to have Commissioner Guimond deliver our proposed settlement letter to the attorney for consultation and serve as the point of contact working with the attorney. Commissioner Deems seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Resigning Clerk and Commissioner – Commissioners accepted Commissioner/Clerk Deems’ resignation ending her term July 31, 2022. Commissioner Guimond proposed commissioners actively recruit candidates for both positions over the next 2 weeks and then consider sending Lake Wenatchee Water District Customer base a communication encouraging potential candidates to inquire.

Meeting Adjourned 3:45pm

Next meeting – August 4, 2022 – Week EARLY!

(Clerk to post on web and Fire station door July 31)