Minutes, April 14, 2016

Lake Wenatchee Water District

April 14, 2016

Station 91

Commissioners Present:  Commissioner Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris (Skype)

Staff Present:  Clerk – Elaine Kinney; Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professionals: Marc Marquis Attorney

Guests Present:  Barb Harris (Skype), Stevan Fredrickson

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:02 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written: A discussion occurred because Commissioner Harris felt there was a line in the minutes that needed changing.  Clerk Kinney will make the suggested changes.

Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the suggested changes to the minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed 

Public Comments:  One of the newest customers receiving a meter was present explaining his story.  He is in the process of buying the property.  This process has been going on for two years and he was not aware of the new meter.  He felt he should be exempt from the monthly base rate.  After discussion, the Commissioners agreed to waive the late fees and the customer agreed to pay what he owes on the meter charges now and going forward.

LID Closure Update 

The county mailed out the assessment invoices this week.  All assessments are due by May 31, 2016.

RH2 General Service Contract:  RH2 has proposed having a service contract in place.  After discussion the Commissioners felt this is something we should have.  Commissioner Klasell will contact RH2 and obtain particulars. Commissioner Klasell motioned to enter into a service contract with RH2 for the SCADA, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 


Customer meter shutoff issue:  A customer requested that his meter be turned off.  He also felt that if it was shut off, he would not have to pay the monthly base rate. He was informed that he would and the meter was still turned off at the customer’s request.  The Commissioners agreed he should pay the $25.00 shutoff fee outlined in the LWWD operation procedures.
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Public Record Act:  The District responded to the requester within the required 5 days informing them that the District requires that their form  which is available on the District website be filled out and returned.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for March 2016; as of 3/34/16 our funds are $36,306.83 at the County. Imprest balance is $128.75.  A/R shows $2,006.14 past due.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $3,263.41.  Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.  Imprest expenditures were $289.35 for iPage annual renewal and postage/printing for final LID mailing, as well as $27 for mileage.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 2 A19 #16 for $1,349.24 and supporting CPF Warrant for $1,349.44.  Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the March payroll warrant for $810.50, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed. 

LWWD Annual report was presented with no additional changes required.  It will be mailed to the State Auditor this week.


Brown Road Washout Repair:  Charlie, the operator, reported that the county did a great job on the repairs.

Auto Dialer Upgrade:  The RH2 engineer feels this does not need to be paid until Jan, 2017.

Revised Coliform Rules:  Charlie feels this only applies if we have a positive result.

Charlie reported that the leak on the Brown Road well should be repaired within the next month.

Maintenance Contract: Commissioner Klasell reported that she could not find any utilities that have a contract in place for routine maintenance needs.  We will continue to use our small works roster for emergencies as per our administrative directives.

Commissioner Klasell moved to close the meeting at 11:50am; motion passed

The next meeting will be held on May 12, 2016 at 10:00 am at Fire Station #91