Minutes May 9, 2019

Lake Wenatchee Water District

May 9, 2019, 2019

Station 91

Commissioners Present: Commissioner Bruce Harris, Commissioner Jim Cook, Commissioner Cleve Borth

Staff Present: Clerk-Elaine Kinney, Operator- Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Leah Cook

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the April 11, 2019 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Cook, seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: No comments


The easement for the pipeline running between the two paved county Brown Roads has been received and recorded with Chelan County.

System operation updates:

  • Meter replacement: 16 of the radio read units have been replaced. The replaced units will be mailed back to Master Meter for a credit for the new ones received.
  • System meter replacement: Charlie has not heard back from Brandon with Master Meter regarding the system meters.
  • Lakeview Drive Hydrant Turn off valve: The valve servicing the flushing hydrant was damaged during the recent winter snow clearing operations. Charlie agreed to contact the county Public Works Office to get their suggestions to protect the valve.
  • Lakeview Drive PRV (pressure reducing) valve: Charlie reported that he felt we need to bring in a company to service the districts PRV valves to avoid a failure. The Commissioners agreed to have this done as well as set up a regular maintenance program for all the PRV’s in the system. If a PRV valve fails, it could result in excess pressure to some residents in the lower end of the applicable pressure zone.
  • Mt. Park valve repair: Charlie is hoping to complete the repair this month.
  • Water usage: Excess water usage was discussed.

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Annual Financial Statement: Commissioner Harris motioned to approve the Annual Financial Statement for submission to the State Auditor, Commissioner Borth seconded, passed.

Customer Status: All customers are up to date, except for the 2 customers with outstanding liens.

Accounts Receivable: $5640.45 is 90 days past due, which are the 2 customers with liens. $479.27 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report, as of 4/30 we have $70,534.82 at the county. $500.00 is in Imprest. No expenditures in Imprest for April.

LID Balance: The LID balance is $434,311.00. April interest for the LGIP has not been recorded. Assessment statements for the year were mailed on May 1, payable by May 31th.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2946.17; Commissioner Borth seconded, motion passed

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the April payroll warrant for $584.00, Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:00 pm

Next meeting June 13, 2019