Continuation of Oct 23, 2014 Meeting (10/30/14)

Lake Wenatchee Water District Commissioners continued meeting from October 23, 2014

October 30, 2014

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests:  Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am and acknowledged a quorum and pointed out that the meeting was to discuss any project issues that need discussing and to determine the project status.

Project Status

Charlie and the Commissioners discussed the recent communication from RH2 regarding the pump in the new facility.  A pump that requires a 240 volt output was purchased for the new combined facility.  The facility was wired for 480 volt.  Therefore, the pump needs replacing.  The contractor wants to leak test the new reservoir and lines so plans are in the works to use water from the old Brown Road well to fill the reservoir for testing until the new pump is purchased and installed.
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Charlie reported that the electrician is working on the electrical at the new reservoir.  He has not done work on the Mountain Park or Lake Wenatchee site. The PUD has installed power. The new pump should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

Commissioner Harris pointed out that since we do not have a switch over date, the residence’s that are affected by increased pressure, cannot be contacted to see if they would like their water turned off.  When we have the date, calls will be made notifying the affected residents.  The operator, Commissioners, and clerk will turn off the meters if needed and place a notice on the front door letting the property owner know the water is off at the meter.

Lakeview residence concerns:  Charlie reported that the contractor and he had spoke with the one customer on numerous occasions.  He will continue to communicate.  Their issues are being addressed as they can.

Other Issues

Two track easement feedback:  There has been no response back from the three parties that received the letter about the easement.

Commissioner replacement:  There has been one response to this notice.  An appointment will be made at the next regular meeting on Nov. 13, 2014.

Commissioner Harris continued the meeting until November 6, 2014 at 10 am at the Chelan County Fire Station.

October 23, 2014 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

October 23, 2014

at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell (via Skype/Phone)

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional:  Marc Marquis-attorney, Karen Kornher-RH2

Guests Present:  Barb Harris, Dede Shilling
Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:10 am, established a forum and named those in attendance.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the Oct 9, 2014 minutes and signed as written,  Commissioner Klasell seconded.

Public comments: Barb Harris commented on the section of the Admin & Operations document dealing with multiple dwellings on one meter.  She feels that this should be changed.  She will write the changes and bring to the next regular meeting for the Commissioner’s approval.

Project Update

Charlie reported that the electrical completion is critical to finishing up other projects and because the electrician is behind schedule, he is holding everything up.  He did point out that progress is being made now. Charlie went over the latest schedule, submitted by the contractor, and pointed out things that should have

Karen Kornher suggested that a letter be sent to the contractor pointing out the hold up of the project by the electrical contractor and informing him that if the project is not substantially complete by November 15, 2014, as agreed on in the contract, the District’s intent is to charge $1700.00 per working day in liquidated damages.  This would start as of November 17, 2014.  The commissioners agreed that the letter should be sent.

Dede Shilling was present representing, Tim Shilling, Jean McCarthy, Jenny Fredericks, Julia Richman and James Waletzky.  She presented their concerns.  The three main concerns of all of them are:

Lack of sufficient communication about project issues and schedules.
Restoration of the land
Restoration of the pavement

Karen Kornher addressed some of their issues.  The Commissioners, RH2 and the contractor will take their concerns under advisement and make sure that there are improvements made going forward.

Maintenance road progress, planting vegetation:  Karen reported that plans are to plant vegetation. She asked Dede about using vine maple on their property. Dede agreed that it would be a good idea.Charlie had requested that the District not gravel the access road but Karen reported that the forest service requires that it
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Commissioner Harris felt that about a week before the District switches to the new reservoir, all customers in the high pressure increase properties, be contacted again to see if they wanted their water turned off until they can come up here and be present when the water is turned back on.  If no verbal contact is made, their water will be turned off and a notice attached to the door of the residence.  Commissioner Klasell agreed.

The District Whispering Pines Pump House:  It was discussed that after the District switches to the new Reservoir, the water be allowed to circulate in the pump house so if need be, it can be a back-up source for the District.  Charlie agreed. Therefore the electricity will remain on but the phone service canceled.

Commissioner Harris asked Charlie if the contractor is providing Operator training with manuals.  Charlie reported that they are. Karen Kornher suggested that Charlie put a list together of training and documents that Commissioner Harris asked Charlie about a backup operator.  Charlie reported that right now he has a person that is willing to come in and be his backup but other than that, he has no one else.

Inclusion of Lakeview Drive upgrade in phase 2: The Commissioners agreed to leave as is.

Hashim connection email:  After Commissioner Harris sent a letter to Mr. Hashim informing him that the meters and water connection have been delayed until 2015 because the project had to be divided due to lack of sufficient funds, the District received an email from Mr. Hashim regarding the installation of his meter and connection to the water by the end of December, 2014.  The Commissioners are taking it under consideration.

Two track road easements:  The documents that Marc emailed  to the Commissioners for distribution  to the affected customers were discussed.  Marc will make the suggested changes and mail the letters.

Pressure increase issue: Clerk Kinney reported that she spoke to most of the customers affected by the pressure increase and left messages to the others.  Some have called back for clarification but all have been informed that they may need to install a PRV between the meter and the house.

Farnham/Overturf meter location:  Mr. Farnham is trying to obtain an easement to cross Deems land for his

Commissioner Bohn resigned his position.  The letter was received on October 10, 2014.  It was decided to advertise the position on the Lake Wenatchee Info website as well as send an email to all LWWD customers asking for any interested parties.  Commissioner Harris reported that one customer has volunteered.  They will be given until the November 11, 2014 meeting to step forward.

Snow removal bid:  One bid was received.  It is for one season. The bidding request specified three seasons which would end in the spring of 2017. Charlie reported that he just needs the area in front of the door for the new Brown Road pump house cleared for parking. Clerk Kinney will contact him and ask for a new bid for three seasons and point out the Brown Road pump house change.  The issue will be decided at the next meeting.

Ellison Repair:  After turning the water off to the property, Charlie has not heard anything

Baker Easement: Commissioner Klasell moved to have Marc Marquis prepare an easement for the new connection onBaker’s property once the linear feet and estimated value has been determined, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Vance Lake’s property sale:  Clerk Kinney reported that she received a call.  The Commissioners gave the clerk instructions for responding.
Meter relocation of the upper six lots:  It was decided that new vaults and meters would be installed and at a later date the District may remove the old meters and vaults for backup use.

Brown Road valve leak:  Mike Dickinson has not gotten to it as of today.

Charlie proposed moving Karen Dickinson’s connection to the upper system to improve her water pressure.  She has very low pressure now.  He reported that it would not be a huge change and Karen is willing to pay any additional cost involved.  The Commissioners felt that it was not a problem.  Charlie will send Karen Kornher a map depicting the change.

Commissioner continued the meeting at 1:10 pm until to Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 10:00 am at the Fire station to discuss any additional project issues that may come up as the project finalizes.

October 9, 2014 Minutes


                                                  Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                         Commissioners Meeting

                                                                October 9, 2014

                                                         at Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype/Phone), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell

Commissioners Absent: Lan Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Ryan Peterson, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype/Phone)

Commissioner Klasell established a forum and name those present.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the Sept 25, 2014 minutes and signed as written, Commissioner Harris seconded.

Public comments: There were no public comments

Project Updates

Construction updates: Charlie/RH2 site meeting updates: The paving on Lakeview Drive was done on 10/07/14. Charlie was approached by one of the home owners regarding cracks in their driveway. He indicated that the District needs to have a plan on how to address the driveway issues. Ryan from RH2, after inspecting the driveways feels that they can be crack sealed in Phase 1 and if necessary seal coated after Phase 2 is complete.

Commissioner Klasell moved to crack seal the affected driveways this year, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Charlie recommended to Karen at RH2 not to gravel the maintenance road. He feels it is too steep for travel by the average vehicle. He indicated that the existing tanks will not be removed for 2-3 weeks, possibly more. He also reported that one of the home owners is concerned about the water runoff from the property across Lakeview Dr. onto their property. Ryan indicated that they will look at the area and determine a solution with foliage or other products.

Charlie reported that when the area next to the Shilling residence was prepped for pavement with gravel, the contractors laid gravel over the property line onto the Tice property and that when the asphalt was applied, it went over the property line. It was decided the Commissioner Klasell will email both Tice and Shilling and suggest that they may want to provide each other with a letter indicating that they aware of the issue and that the property belonging to Tice will remain his property. Or if the wish, the contractor will cut out the asphalt and remove the gravel up to the Shilling property line.

Waletzky Project email: Commissioner Klasell will answer his concerns via email.

Other project issues
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Water pressure letter: Clerk Kinney will send the letter and the accompanying maps via email or snail mail, if no email is on record, to all customers in the Whispering Pines and Lester Addition areas. Those folks, with the highest increases, will then be phoned to make sure they received the notification and that they understand the issue.

North shore pipe easement: Tabled until the next meeting when the Districts attorney will be present.

Moving or replacing the existing meter: The 7 meters on the LW water area cannot be retrofitted for use by the district. RH2 would like to replace the 6 meters on the upper Lakeview Drive. The Commissioner felt that those meters should be moved to the public right of way. No decisions were made at this time.

Brown Rd Reservoir abandonment date confirmation: Charlie indicated that it will have to remain in place until after the new pump house is operable.

Mt. Park Additional Pressure tank: Charlie feels that we should install at least two tanks. Commissioner Klasell motioned to purchase pressure tanks and the number will be determined by RH2, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed

Two Tract linear pipe location/easements: After some discussion, Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc send the affected properties a letter about the needed easement and offer them the amount of compensation determined by Commissioner Harris previously, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. Letter will be sent after commissioners approve cover letter via email.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for September 2014; as of 10/7/14 our funds are $55,387.23 at the County; Imprest balance is $509.10

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $1,947.54.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.

Imprest expenses for last month were $108.00 office supplies (TAK cardstock for bills)

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for September in the amount of $1,391.50. Motion seconded by Harris, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 9/30/13 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $1,546,252.26 and have $780,882.74 remaining in the loan after A19 #32R is processed. With 10% of the DWSRF being withheld until Phase 1 is closed in fall of 2015, we might have issues paying the balance of the project this year. Commissioner Klasell will follow up with Karen Klocke at DWSRF as she had mentioned they might allow a smaller portion withheld (5%).

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #32R and supporting CPF warrant for $311,490.71. This included Pay Request #4 from Belsaas & Smith in the amount of $293,516.08. Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Other Issues

LWWD ops and directive updates: Commissioner Klasell motioned to accept the changes to the Op & Administrative policies as presented by the clerk, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Operations update from Charlie: Charlie reported that since he turned off the water to the property leaking in the Lester Addition, it has not been turned on. He will keep monitoring. The leak on the corner of Brown road and Fir Drive in WP is an emergency repair because of the winter season soon approaching. Therefore, Charlie will have it fixed.

Commissioner move to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am, Commissioner Harris seconded.

The next meeting will be held on October 23, 2014 at 10:00 am at the District 9 Fire Station.