Minutes, April 9, 2020

Lake Wenatchee Water District

April 9, 2020

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Elaine Kinney, Clerk; Bonnie Klasell, Bookkeeper; Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Lisa Diederich, Andie Baker

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:15 am

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the March 12, 2020 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Cook, seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: No public comments


Potential critical system issues: The operator reported that the supply of chlorine is more difficult to find. The district has a 2-3 month supply of chlorine on hand at this time. He did not see any other critical issues.

MIU replacement: There are 24 new failed MIU’s. The commissioners agreed to replace them at increments of 10 per month to spread out the financial output. Commissioner Harris will determine which customers to replace. The remaining failed meters will be read manually for the May 2020 billing. Commissioner Cook motioned to purchase 10 MIU’S now and have them changed bu our operator, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.
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Approve Final Comp Plan: Commissioner Harris motioned to approve the final comp plan as written and presented to the DOH, Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.


Resignation & Replacement of Clerk: The Clerk’s resignation has been received by the District. After the stay at home mandate has been lifted, the District will advertise for a replacement. The Clerk indicated that she will continue to do the job until a replacement has been hired and trained.

Customer issues: Bonnie requested that late fees be waived as a result of the stay-at-home order. Commissioner Cook motioned to waive the late fees for the May 2020 billing, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 4/1/20: $6,704.01 is over 90 days past due, which are the 2 customers with liens. There are no customers 60 days past due.

Treasurers Report: as of 3/31/20: We have $76,325.46 at the county. $1,000 is in Imprest. No Imprest charges were incurred in March

LID #1: We received no payments in March. Investment income was $626.26.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2596.61; Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the March payroll warrant for $634.00; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 11:25 am

Next meeting is Thursday, May 14, 2020.