November 14, 2013 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

November 14, 2013

at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Darwin Parker, Banner Bank; Karen Kornher, RH2

Guests: Barb Harris (via Skype), John Klasell


Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioners Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as written the October 24, 2013 minutes, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed.

Project Issues

DWSRF/Banner Bank Financing

Darwin Parker presented a new proposal for the additional financing. Significant changes were to make the 24 month draw down period and consecutive 20 year bond fixed interest rates, instead of adjustable rates. In addition, there would be no penalty if loan is paid off at the time of the closing of the assessment roll.

Bruce summarized the conference call with Karen Klocke at DOH regarding the potential for additional financing from DWSRF at the end of 2014, or beginning of 2015 which would be at 1%, with 50% of the total loaned forgiven. We would apply for this financing in Sept 2014, and would require we split the project because of some conditions in temporary construction easements that end December 2014. We would more than likely not qualify for funding with the 50% forgiveness to repay the Banner Bank loan if the commissioners decide to proceed with 100% construction this summer via funds with Banner Bank.

Karen Kornher presented a rough estimate of costs if we split the project. The tank and Homestead well/facility building, Mountain Park electrical panel, and all telemetry would be built summer of 2014; the balance of the project (line work) would be built summer of 2015. By the end of the first construction season it is anticipated that the Whispering Pines and Brown Road communities would be on the new well water source using mostly the old piping infrastructure. This cannot be confirmed until the engineering modifications for the split in construction have been made. There will be increased costs since there would be additional engineering involved to split the design, plus preparation of two separate bids.

The commissioners requested that Karen Kornher try to give a more accurate cost estimate if the split is truly possible and how much more it would cost. In addition, Commissioner Bohn will try to contact the parties with temporary construction easements that expire in 2014 to see if they would extend to 2015 so the entire project can be built at one time. The commissioners will discuss in more detail at the next meeting and invite Karen Klocke to attend meeting either in person or via telephone conference if she has more information on the DWSRF loan to present to us.

Meter Map Revisions

Commissioners presented Karen Kornher revisions on the map from RH2 to insure all parcels that are getting correctly assessed for meter installations or stub-out connections. A discussion ensued about parcels that were short platted after the LID was formed, whether or not we should give them the option to opt-out as they are probably unaware that they are even part of the LID. Discussion was tabled to research more on the legalities and procedures of adding parcels to the LID because of a short plat. Commissioner Bohn brought up that the meter for his 2nd parcel does not actually serve that parcel and therefore does not want one installed when the new connection is created that will serve the parcel after construction. As our current policies do not allow for meters to be removed, Commissioner Klasell asked that he present a request for variance at the next meeting for a vote.
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USFS Update

Karen Kornher advised she’s been in contact with Rick Pringle, Leavenworth USFS and he told her he drafted the new documents without the debris flow conditions they had been wanting and sent off for review with their NEPA staff for review on Friday, 11/8/13. He is hoping to hear back soon about the public notice advertisement date.

System Issues

Water Use Efficiency

Commissioner Klasell reminded the commissioners that we haven’t established any Water Use Efficiency goals (WUE) for 2013. The RCW requires that we hold a public hearing to set these goals, but Karen Korhner feels it’s impossible to set goals since we aren’t 100% metered. Commissioner Klasell will check the DOH website to see what goals they will accept for a non-fully metered system and will present those options at the next meeting. Once construction is complete and we are 100% metered, we will then hold our public hearing to establish our WUE goals for the following 6 years.

DOE/WPWUA Water Usage

We received a letter from Dept. of Ecology addressed to Whispering Pines Water Users Group stating they had not received water usage reports from 2010, 2011, and 2012. Charlie was unaware this was something that was required. He will contact the person at DOE who sent the letter to advise that WPWUA no longer exists, and that the spring will be taken offline at the end of the project.


Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for October 2013; as of 10/31/13 our funds are $23,229.92 at the County; Imprest balance is $483.40; past due accounts amount to $678.39

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated O&M budget status as of 10/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,771.89. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed. Warrant includes $16.60 reimbursement to the Imprest account to bring account to $500.00. Last month we spent $79.00 from Imprest for postage.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for October in the amount of $1,361.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget status as of 10/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the A19 voucher #21 for $8,439.10 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Other Issues

Commissioner Klasell motioned to cancel the 11/28/13 commissioner’s meeting as it falls on Thanksgiving, Commissioner Bohn seconded, passed. The clerk will post notices at the Fire Station and at the District mail box.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:45am, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

The next meeting will be held at December 12 at 10 am.