Continuation of Nov. 11, 2014 meeting (11/24/14)

Lake Wenatchee Water District Commissioners continued meeting from November 13, 2014


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell (via Skype), Jim Ratley

(via Skype)

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Professional: Marc Marquis, attorney

Guests:  Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:15 am and acknowledged a quorum and pointed out that the

meeting was to discuss any project issues that need discussing and to determine the project status.

Public comments:  There were no public comments

Project issues

Because Charlie, the operator and inspector, was not present, he could not provide any updates.

Commissioner Harris reported that he spoke to the foreman, John who indicated that because of the wetness of the

weather and the temperature, the asphalting and sealing will not be done at this time.  He was not sure of the status

of the hydro-seeding.  He will get back to Bruce.

Although the condition is more common in men under 35, it generally tends to occur in men who do excessive cycling. women viagra australia Causes of Impotence Male impotence affects more than generic viagra soft 6 million people in America. Gradual rehabilitation is the process of treating ocular psoriasis with steroids discount levitra online and antibiotics. This tablet will prices online cialis Full Article start to show the effect late if eaten along with food. As far as the tree planting, the trees have been planted along the access road behind Waletzky’ s.  The lower section

of Waletzky and McCarthy property and the Shilling property, just have the location flags.  Commissioner Harris

asked Commissioner Ratley to compose a letter to the three property owners, after more information is obtained

from Charlie, to communicate what can be completed this year and what will have to be done next spring after the

snow melts.  Commissioner Ratley asked for both of the other two Commissioners input before composing the letter.

Other Project Issues

Tice easement letter response: Following some discussion about the Brown Road blanket easement:

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc revise the letter he composed, distribute to the Commissioners for

approval, then send to Mr. Tice, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Hashim email response:

Commissioner Harris motioned to have Mark prepare a response letter to Mr. Hashim informing him that the

agreement for two meters and a pipe line cannot be completed until next summer during Phase 2 construction,

Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting early due to communication problems with the internet and phones.

The next meeting will be held on Dec. 11, 2014 at 10:00 am.

November 11, 2014 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

November 13, 2014

Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Clayton, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Jim Ratley (via Skype)

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:03 am and established a quorum.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the minutes and sign, from October 23, 2014, Commissioner Klasell seconded.

Public comment: There were no public comments

Commissioner Harris motioned to appoint Jim Ratley as Commissioner 1 to replace Landis Bohn, who resigned his position, Commissioner Klasell seconded, motion passed.

Newly appointed Commissioner Ratley took the oath of office and signed it. It will be signed by Commissioner Harris when received from Commissioner Ratley.

Project Status

Charlie reported that the contractor is working on preparing the road to the new reservoir and removing the old tanks. They are also working on removing the concrete pads that the tanks sat on. The tanks are drained and ready to move. All the associated pipes have been removed.

Tumwater Drilling will be working on replacing the pump motor, the pump cables and the associated deteriorated pipes.

Clayton from RH2 reported that the change order costs are at 3% which is very good for this sized project. He reported that the L2 Systems Company showed up yesterday to start testing the communication systems. Until it is tested for a designated time, the automatic system will not be activated. At that time Charlie will be trained on the operation of the systems.

Charlie has placed flags where the vine maples will be planted on the parcels identified for restoration after construction. An email will be sent to the three customers affected to get their input. The contractor hopes that the weather will be warm enough to plant and hydro-seed next week.

Other Project Issues

Two track easement: The District has not received any signed easements other than Skougstad’s. Commissioner Harris will instruct the attorney to record that easement. Clerk Kinney will contact Karen Dickinson to make sure she received hers.

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Tree removal for North Shore Drive pipe replacement: RH2 will be contacted to see if we can get a clearer map so the affected customers can be notified. The one received was not easily read.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for October 2014; as of 11/10/14 our funds are $55,040.21 at the County; Imprest balance is $353.52. A/R is $7,612.80 as we just billed on 11/3/14. Past due are $250.02.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $4,285.87. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed. This includes CIAW insurance effective 12/1/14 for existing system. We will contact them after we take ownership of new tank and pump house and any increase will be approved at a future meeting.

Imprest expenses for last month were $155.48 (postage and printer ink)

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for October in the amount of $1,629.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the DWSRF budget status as of 10/31/14 and the remaining budget for Phase 1. We have spent $1,879,513.74 and have $447,621.26 remaining in the loan after A19 #33 is processed. Karen Klocke has confirmed with Dept. of Commerce, that they will allow a 5% withholding (instead of the 10% in the loan docs) which means we have $331,264.46. This should be adequate to pay remaining costs of Phase 1.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #33 and supporting CPF warrant for $333,264.48. This included Pay Request #5 from Belsaas & Smith in the amount of $312,170.71. Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Other Issues

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign change order #2, #3 and #4, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Mr. Pechan’s issue: The District is waiting for the documents that depict the agreement between Byron Dickinson and Mr. Pechan granting him free water. When received, the issue will be discussed at a later date.

Barb Harris reported that the sandwich board that was in the WP pump house is missing when they tried to post the notice about the pressure increase. Therefore it was attached to a pole at the Lake Wenatchee Hwy entrance to Fir Drive. The pressure increase notice turned up missing two days later.


Charlie indicated that he needs to purchase some padlocks. He also needs shelving or cupboard to the new pump house.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to authorize Charlie to purchase what he needs, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


At 12:30 pm Commissioner Harris extended the November 13 meeting until Nov. 24, 2014 at 10 am.

Continuation of Oct 23, 2014 meeting (11/7/14)

Lake Wenatchee Water District Commissioners continued meeting from October 23, 2014 Meeting


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Guests: Barb Harris, John Klasell


Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:03 am, Nov 6, 2014 and acknowledged a quorum and pointed out that the meeting was to discuss any project issues that need discussing and to determine the project status.


Project Status

Charlie reported that they are tying in the Brown Road well to the combined facility today. The reservoir has been filled and is being leak tested. RH2 has said that if there are no leaks by Monday, it would be OK to switch over. The plan is to switch the folks on Lakeview Drive on Monday and at the WP pump house on Tuesday which would take care of the folks below the pump house. The clerk will call all affected customers. Any part time customer that has not been physically talked with, will have their meter turned off and a notice posted on their residence.

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Other Issues

Two track easement feedback: One customer has signed the easement. There has been no word from the other customers.

Commissioner replacement: There has been one response to this point. An appointment will be made at the next regular meeting on Nov. 13, 2014.

The responsibility for the cost of the pump replacement for the Brown Road pump was discussed. The subject will be discussed at a later date.


Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:25am, Commissioner Klasell seconded.  Meeting adjourned.


The next meeting will be held on November 13, 2014 at 10 am at the Lake Wenatchee District 9 fire station.