Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2022

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioner’s Meeting

Minutes, June 9, 2022

Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond, Helen Deems (Quorum present)

Staff Present: Helen Deems, Clerk, Charlie Cruickshank, System Operator

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Jeff Burgess, and Jim Paris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 12:30pm

Commissioner Deems motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for May 12, 2022 and accept as written, Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: Mr. Paris and Mr. Burgess said they were just attending to observe the Commission meeting. Commissioners said they did not have a resolution for Mr. Paris ready at this time but are reviewing the history of his case and determining what is the best practice going forward.


Review and Approve Consumer Confidence Report – Helen highlighted for the audience that once again no samples from 2021 were found positive for Total Coliform. Commissioner Guimond motioned to accept the report results as given and Commissioner Harris seconded; the 2021 Consumer Confidence Report was approved for release to the public.

Update on Development of Parcel 271718665005 (Sale closing 6/1) – Bruce and Helen confirmed property has been sold and the new owner has taken possession and has turned the water on via phone instruction from Operations Manager Charlie Cruikshank. Property owner has not communicated further about the proposed small scale tourist resort plans he presented to the commissioners at the May 12 Lake Wenatchee Water District meeting. Clerk Helen will alert Commissioners if he returns his open Water Availability Request (still waiting on his signature regarding his assuming all pre-engineering costs to review current system capabilities for added service lines (2 more at most for a total of 3 under current Operating Directives – version – Apr 2022) and bring the customer signed request for review at the next commissioner meeting if received.

Water shutoffs – Clerk Helen asked about the policy for property changing hands and water shutoffs/reconnections. Commissioners shared that it had previously been decided and deemed more efficient to allow property owners the ability to turn off water at their own meter for leak repairs and not have to wait on the out of area operation’s manager to commute to on-site, especially considering the unfortunate timing and urgency of many leaks. Commissioners also shared that most of the time during property sale in this area the policy is for the water to remain on and the customer to transfer and be updated in the system without water shutoff. Commissioner Deems said the previous bookkeeper had said that the Financial policy (Appendix C of the Operating Directives) concerning water shutoff fees had typically been applied to non-payment and disciplinary situations. Commissioner Harris said it had also been added to discourage seasonal shutoff situations. Most recently, property owners that chose to shutoff water at the sale of a parcel incurred no fee and new owners also incurred no fee when they requested it be turned on. Typically, when LWWD Operation’s manager is contacted, he instructs the property owner or their agent how to turn on the system. Tampering with lids has not been an issue; Commissioner Harris and Operation’s Manager Charlie Cruikshank also shared that many properties in the area don’t have shutoff valves at their home or the valves reside in very tight crawl spaces. District property owner Jim Paris, an area plumber, suggested that the district require new construction or new water service applicants add easily reached freeze protected shutoff valves in or near their homes to save wear on the district’s meter equipment and further improve leak-prevention efficiency.

Water Availability Requests -ATTACHMENT A –Commissioner’s discussed adding some parts of the document presented at May 12’s meeting to existing LWWD application (Water Availability Request and New Water Service Application) forms to clarify and restate the LWWD Operations Directives requirement that developers with designs that may stress the existing water system may require pre-engineering review. The customer would assume the responsibility of all pre-engineering costs prior to the issuance of a water availability certificate required by the county for building permits. The commissioners decided to further discuss the Policy going forward and reform the current Water Availability Request Forms and Certificates and Water Service Application forms to clarify this policy responsibility of pre-engineering costs. Based on the recommendations of the commissioners, Clerk Helen agreed to update the forms and have them ready for review and approval process.

Water Service Applications – Review document and updates on current applications

    • Parcel 271718665110 16654 Fir Road -(no app or connection fee $13K received). Clerk Helen said she gave property Contractor M. Axelson’s associate (Cole) a Water Service Application form for Mr. Axelson to complete and return with payment. She informed him the commissioners were meeting today. Site already had a double meter vault installed due to 1st property completion and sale. While deposits and payment for 1st property were paid by Mr. Axelson, costs for the second property meter connection will need to be determined and paid along with a new parcel water service fee of $13,000 prior to approving the installment of the meter in the existing double vault.
    • Parcel 271718340575 Unassigned Brown Road (Double Vault ? app 6/23/21) Helen said from clerk email , she asked property owner to confirm if double vault is still needed; she has received no response; Charlie has ordered double vault and has it in inventory; and confirmed Contractor Mike Dickinson could work to install it and bill the district but we have not heard from this property owner. Commissioner Harris will try calling property owner to follow-up district’s email and confirm he really needs the double vault (more expensive and not necessary unless he has plans to subdivide the parcel).

Water Usage – Leak Monitoring – tabled for next meeting with Operations Manager (JULY)*

Well/Reservoir security: tabled for next meeting with Operations Manager (JULY)*

Generator Updates: Commissioner Harris said he talked with our generator service rep and the ECM replacement finally arrived and was tried and THE GENERATOR ENGINE RAN several minutes! However, the generator is not creating the correct voltage and the rep believes a protection relay or module may be out due to the original electrical surge during the initial installation; Commissioner Harris said the part will be ordered and should be available in a couple weeks from now. He also reported that there is still about $700 remaining for training. Charlie said once the generator is operational, he will run regularly on his pump house visits to meet the required exercise schedule per the manufacture recommendation and incorporate into the operator’s scheduled tasks. Commissioner Harris confirmed that LWWD will need to schedule training, but NOT until after the generator is fully operational.

Other System updates from Charlie: nothing to report


Resolution 2022-06-14 updating SOP/Admin & OP policies – Tabled for 6/14 continued meeting*

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the May 2022 financial data as listed below:

Accounts Receivable 6/1/22: 2 accounts over 90 days past due for a total of $7,752.45;

6 accounts over 60 days past due for a total of $1595.75.

Bookkeeper reported through email that she had contacted all those past due and several have paid. She also reported 3 properties in Escrow and that she had completed and filed the annual report with the State Auditor’s office and provided the district with a digital copy that Clerk Helen saved in 2022 Annual Report folder.

Treasurers Report: LWWD has $36,265.66 in the general fund (account 682.701), and $90,791.35 in the reserve fund (total $127,057.01 at the County). Imprest balance is $882.92; $21.56 was paid to iPage and $5.50 to NUNC.

Clerk Helen said Bookkeeper sent copy of Post Office box renewal notice which is due 6/30. The cost is $91 for 6 mos. or $182 for 12 months. She asked if the commissioners preferred, she set up auto-payment every 6 mos. from Impress Acct or pay for 12 months now. Requires commissioner approval if over $150 according to the financial policy manual of 2017. Clerk Helen also asked to help bookkeeper by being the POC for feedback on monthly financial reports (filter commissioner comments calls/emails and then call Bookkeeper with all the changes or questions at once.) Helen also said she would ask (after Jillana’s vacation the next 10 days) if she could produce reports earlier than the 2nd Tuesday/Wednesday as we need more time to review prior to meeting on the 2nd Thursday.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the May 2022 Financial Reports (Budget, Treasurers Report, Balance Sheet), Commissioner Harris seconded; motioned passed, noting an exception in the BUDGET- that some of the budget cells need to be reviewed for accuracy ex payroll for commissioners is every month should not be blank).

Commissioner Harris motioned to sign the O&M 682.701 warrant as presented in the amount of $ 4,121.27 Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to sign and approve the May payroll warrant for $1278.00; Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed.

Clerk training – Helen said previous bookkeeper Bonnie Klasell agreed to help LWWD for June meter read download & usage report from Quickwater and suggested Monday 6/27 for meter read and usage report dump training for Jillana’s involvement also. Commissioner Harris confirmed that would work.

Resolution 2022-06-09b Commissioners resolved with signatures to compensate Commissioner Secretary Helen Deems at a rate $30 per hour in addition to her meeting per diem for performing LWWD administrative clerk tasks (other than attending meetings) as was motioned on April 14,2022 Commissioner’s meeting with the effective start date of May12, 2022 for a period of 1 year.

3g phone service Verizon EXPIRING 12/22: Clerk Helen reported on her upgrade research – Verizon will upgrade existing phone for cost of $99 for hardware upgrade that can be scheduled over the phone but it needs to be coordinated with Bookkeeper as the phone resides in her office in Leavenworth. After the upgrade, LWWD can continue with the same basic plan at $20/month plus taxes. Commissioners advised Helen to schedule hardware installation when convenient (and prior to the deadline) during office hours at Evergreen Accounting as Jillana requested.

Parcel 271718430010 discussion on response options (if time allows)* tabled for discussion at continued meeting 6/14*

Meeting to be continued to Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 10AM

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Continued Commissioner’s Meeting from June 9, 2022

June 14, 2022

Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond, Helen Deems (Quorum present)

Staff Present: Helen Deems, Clerk

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 10:00am

Waive approving minutes until after this meeting’s minutes are added

Public Comments: none


Review of SOP/Admin & OP updated policies – After detailed discussion and review, Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve changes to the Administrative and Operating Directives as presented and Commissioner Harris seconded, and the motion passed.

Resolution 2022-06-14 “Changes to the LWWD Administrative and Operating Directives,” was then signed by all three Commissioners to take effect immediately.

Review of Forms: Water Service Application & Water Availability Request Form – Clerk Helen presented updated forms to include more detailed information and areas for official use and approval. Commissioner Guimond moved to approve updates to forms as discussed, Commissioner seconded. Motion passed. Clerk Helen will research how to make forms available on the website and have this latest updated form available for online, email or US mail when requested.

Parcel 271718430010 discussion on response options – Commissioners reviewed unique history of water service setup and account for Customer #1154 and agreed to draft a letter for legal review to offer a resolution that would provide and protect both parties’ best interests.

Clerk Report – Helen reported receiving an email from Customer 1156 inquiring as to the Water Availability/infrastructure of parcels adjacent to his property in Mt. Park. Commissioners reviewed water service to parcels in that area and discussed appropriate response for clerk’s return email.

Meter Reader Position – Commissioner’s discussed possible staff changes/training for meter-reader

Meeting Adjourned at 1pm

Next meeting – Aug 4, 2022