Minutes, February 11, 2021

Lake Wenatchee Water District

February 11, 2021

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Commissioners Present: Jim Cook, Bruce Harris, Fred Guimond

Staff Present: Bonnie Klasell, Clerk/Bookkeeper

Guests Present: Barb Harris

Commissioner Guimond called the meeting to order at 11:00am

Commissioner Guimond motioned to waive the reading of the minutes for January 14, 2021 and accept as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Public Comments: None received this month

Commissioner Positions Open for Election November 2021 – All positions are up for election this year. Candidate Filing online is May 17-May 21. Bonnie will email all customers and advise that Bruce and Jim would like to have their positions filled and explain job responsibility so hopefully someone will step up to fill their positions.


Short Plats on Fir Road: 1 parcel has already completed a short plat adding 2 new lots; another has applied to the county to create 3 more lots. There is concern that the mainline might require an engineering review to determine if 5 more connections can safely be added. Per our policy, that owner will be required to pay costs involved with connecting, including engineering.

Generator: Reimbursement check from Invoice #3 submitted Jan 4th wasn’t processed; we should have by the end of February. Before next meeting Bruce will contact Power Systems to check on status of generator and confirm April delivery is possible.

Chlorinator: Both the Combined facility and the Lake Wenatchee Water well facility chlorinators have been purchased and installed.  There will be several more weeks of fine tuning each in order to optimize the chlorine concentration needs for each source.

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Water Availability Forms Issued: None requested

New meter installs – deposit disbursement: Customer #1068 prepaid $5000 to have 2 meters installed. The bookkeeper tallied up actual costs (meter/vaults/installation) and a refund check of $1,031.75 will be issued.

Customer A/R issues: No issues, past due customer from last month paid in full.

Financial Reports – the Commissioners reviewed the January 2021 financial data as listed below.

Commissioner Guimond motioned to approve the January 2021 Financial Reports, Commissioner Cook seconded; motion passed.

Accounts Receivable 2/1/21: $7,848.70 is over 90 days past due, $0.00 is 60 days past due. All past due customers have been contacted.

Treasurers Report: as of 2/1/21: We have $95,724.93 at the county; $903.85 in Imprest.  Imprest expenditures in January were $27.05 to iPage for website.

LID #1:  1/1/21 balance is $ 532,857.70. No payments were received in January; LGIF interest was $57.78.

Commissioner  Harris motioned to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $7112.46; Commissioner Cook seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Cook motioned to sign the January payroll warrant for $384.00; Commissioner Guimond seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Guimond adjourned the meeting at 11:35pm

Next meeting is Thursday, March 11, 2020.