Minutes, February 9, 2023

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners’ Meeting Minutes

Feb 09, 2023

9:30 am

Location: Fire Station #91

21696 Lake Wenatchee Hwy

Commissioners Present: Fred Guimond (via zoom), John Colvard, Erin Colwell

Staff Present: Charlie Cruickshank, Operator; Bruce Harris, Clerk

Guests Present: Barbara Harris

Commissioner Colvard called the meeting to order at 9:40 am.

Commissioner Colvard moved to accept the minutes for the January 12, 2023, as written. Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.

Public comments: None

The commissioners discussed how public comments can better managed. The subject will be reviewed again at the next meeting.


Clerk Report

Training: The required new commissioner training has been completed by the LWWD commissioners for Open Public Records (RCW 42.56), Open Public Meetings (RCW 42.30) and Records Retention/Management (RCW 40.14).

Water Availability Requests (WAR) and Certificates (WAC): No new requests have been received. There are currently four new installation service requests (three in Mt. Park and one on Brown Road) for new meter/vault installations to be done this spring, 2023. Clerk Harris has also notified the owner of parcel 271718430100 that his water availability certificate was approved at the Jan 12, 2023, LWWD commissioners meeting. This was a requirement of the Chelan County Planning Department prior to completing the short plat.

Leaks: No new leaks have been reported during January 2023.

Water Facilities Inventory (WFI): Washington State Department of Health has asked for an update to the annual LWWD WFI by March 15, 2023.

Ipage email client set up and Zoom

Individual client setup of the LWWD staff email accounts have been completed and tested. Zoom communications testing will be completed on the afternoon of the commissioner’s meeting. Since Zoom communication meeting software is a new purchase, all personnel felt it be well advised to test the link before anticipated travel out of the area.

CVB Signature Cards

Cashmere Valley Bank is finishing up on the authorized signatures for LWWD. This usually occurs at the beginning of the year when new commissioners start their term in office.

Capital projects planning for 2023

A discussion was started to understand and prioritize upcoming projects and research what advanced planning was necessary. The items to explore are:

Completion of the Kohler standby generator: Finalizing tasks and possible funding if needed.

Installation of meter/vaults: Start planning on how to utilize the limited meter/vaults in inventory and what additional components need to be ordered soon. Both new and replacement parts for meter/vaults are becoming less available.

PRV calibrations: Could be viewed as maintenance, but because of the cost needs to be included in the cash flow planning for this year.

Upgrade the Homestead pumphouse computer (not identified in the 2023 budget): It has been seven years since the original laptop computer was installed to run SCADA which is used to monitor and control the entire system operation. RH2 has recommended replacement with an upgraded model to handle newer software. Operator Cruickshank will explore this further with RH2 to understand the cost impact and integration into the possible change to SCADA programming for changing the pump control after extended power outages.

Replace meter reading laptop and associated equipment (not in the 2023 budget): This was brought up because of the age of the computer reading equipment used to gather water usage data. The Win 7 Operating System software is no longer supported by Microsoft on the laptop itself. The clerk will explore what the impact might be – no timeline.

Approve O&M and Payroll Warrants

Monthly financial reports: As of Jan 31, 2023, Treasurer’s Report shows $43,898.47 in the general operating fund and $113,515.82 in the reserve fund. Imprest balance is $489.05.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the financial reports as presented, Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve the O&M warrant for $6,276.75. Commissioner Guimond seconded; motion passed.

Commissioner Colvard motioned to approve payroll warrant for $1,575.00, Commissioner Colwell seconded; motion passed.


Commissioner Guimond had request operator Cruickshank to work with RH2 Engineering to determine a method of adjusting the SCADA control system at the Homestead pumphouse to resume pumping more slowly after an extended power outage to reduce the sudden drawdown of the aquifer. RH2 has stated that there may be available options in modifying the software and will provide that information to the operator and estimated cost to accomplish through using SCADA.

MIU replacements: Still on back-order since early fall of 2022 with HD Fowler.

Generator update: The repairs on the Kohler backup generator has not been completed. First Choice Electric has been overwhelmed with the loss of employees and heavy workload but has committed to getting it done within two weeks.

Meeting adjourned at 10:35 am.

Next meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 9:30 am.