December 11, 2014 Minutes

Lake Wenatchee Water District

Commissioners Meeting

Dec 11, 2014

At Station 9 Fire House

Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via Skype), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner-Jim Ratley (via Skype)

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Ryan Peterson, RH2

Guests Present: Barb Harris (via Skype), John Klasell

Commissioner Klasell opened the meeting at 10:05 am and acknowledged a quorum existed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to waive the reading of the 11/13/14 minutes and 11/24/14 continued portion and signed as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

There were no public comments.

Project Status-Phase 1

Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve change order #5 for $8,997.00 for the purchase and install of a new pump motor, clean well, replace piping for the Brown Road pump house, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

Charlie reported that the project is looking good. The electrician is scheduled to finish up the electrical work on the Mountain Park well so the PUD can provide power to the panel and install the meter.

The completion of Phase One was discussed. Ryan, RH2, noted that there is the Substantial Completion which means everything is operational. Ryan will be touring the project today, to determine if substantial completion has been reached. When the Physical Completion is done (clean up, etc.) the clock starts on release of the retained monies which is 60 days. At the end of the 60 days, if there are no liens and the taxes have been paid, the retained money will be paid.

Charlie reported that the contractor hand-seeded the areas that needed seeding and covered with straw. The contractor is responsible for making sure that there is grass grows for a year. The asphalt could not be done because of the temperature and the wet conditions. The commissioners agreed to obtain a bid to do the asphalt work next year and hold back that amount from the retained funds using a change order.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have a paving company give us an estimate on the asphalt work in order to prepare a change order withholding the bid amount from the retained funds, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc Marquis send the Hashim response letter as written, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.

Charlie reported that in the first week of December, the LWWD lock was removed from the Hashim gate, thereby blocking contractor access through the Hashim property, which was to be available to the contractor through Dec. 31, 2014.

This prevented the contractor from using the road as needed, requiring him to find an alternative method to transport straw, to cover the area around the new reservoir

Project Status-Phase 2

Commissioner Klasell reported that the DWSRF Loan for $2,548,800.00 was signed on December 5, 2014.
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Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve RH2 addendum #8 $9300.00 for bid services and $36,000 for support services during construction, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to approve the Phase 2 plan as presented, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.

Phase 2 bid schedule. The bid invitation will be advertised Jan. 13, 2015. At the same time an ad will be placed for an archeologist to oversee the digging on the lake side of North Shore Drive. It was suggested that we attempt to find a local archeologist to perform the oversight.

Meter staking: The commissioners agreed to have the contractor place the stakes where the meters will be located in order to give the customers affected 2 weeks to respond if they want the meter in a different location. A letter will go out informing the affected customers of this, cautioning them not to move the stakes, but to communicate with the District. At the same time the tree removal map will be sent along with a project progress letter.

ROE (right of entry): This document gives the District (contractor) permission to use their property to install a new service line. In early January, this document will be sent to the 4 home owners on the upper Lake View Drive that will have new service lines installed on their property. If they refuse to sign the ROE, a new service line will not be installed by the District, which will require the home owner to provide the installation in order to connect to new meter in the easement.

Baker Easement: Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc send the Baker easement letter as written, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

Other Project Issues

The Tice easement has not been received. The Commissioners agreed to have Marc record the Skougstad and Dickinson easement.

Emergency Generator: Charlie has not had the time to investigate this issue. Ryan, from RH2, determined that everyone would have water for about 10 days without power. The issue will be discussed at a later date.


Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for November 2014; as of 12/9/14 our funds are $59,150.79 at the County; Imprest balance is $509.10.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,393.51. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ratley, motion passed.

There were no Imprest expenditures in November.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the Payroll voucher for November in the amount of $1,539.00. Motion seconded by Commissioner Ratley, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign A19 #34 and supporting CPF warrant for $182,127.58. This includes Pay Request #6 from Belsaas & Smith in the amount of $163,398.62. Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

The Commissioners agreed to keep the dollar amounts of the 2014 Budget for 2015 Budget.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to cancel the scheduled Dec. 25 meeting, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:50 am, Commissioner Harris seconded, motion passed.

The next meeting will be Jan. 8, 2015 at 10:00 am.