Minutes, September 24, 2015

                                                       Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                             Commissioners Meeting

                                                                September 24, 2015

                                                              Station 91 Fire House

Commissioners Present:  President Jim Ratley (Skype), Secretary Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Professional: Marc Marquis

Guests Present Barb Harris

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10:00 am and established a quorum announcing those present.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the Sept 10, 2015 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed. 

Public Comments: Barb Harris stated that they have been having increased air bubbles in their water. Charlie reported that it may be due to the low water table in the wells causing excess air to enter the water.  He will do some testing and will compose a letter regarding water conservation to be sent to all customers.

Project Status-Phase 1

Phase 1 Loan Process: The District has received the last pay request from Balsaas & Smith. There will be a two month waiting period before we pay Balsaas & Smith the retainage. Then, Karen at RH2 will write a letter to DOH who has to accept and approved the construction results.  Before that happens we will have to have the archeology monitoring report so DOH can sign off section 106.  After those two steps are completed, the Department of Commerce will finalize the numbers and the loan will be closed and we cannot draw on it.  We are hoping this will be complete in December.  Our first payment on Phase 1 loan will be due in Oct, 2016.

The LID process for determining the final dollar amount was discussed.

Charlie reported that the system level meters are now reading correctly.

Project Status-Phase 2

Phase 2 punch list:  Charlie provided a punch list which was reviewed by all the Commissioners.  Charlie discussed each item on the list.

Archaeology dig status:  The archaeologist dug for three days and found no artifacts.  They concluded that it was ‘not a site’.
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North Shore Coliform sampling:  Charlie reported that there has been extended testing done on North Shore.  More testing will be required in October and that when testing is clean, the District can go back to a normal sampling schedule.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign CO7 for the Lakeview Drive driveway repairs for $4928.00, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Commissioner Klasell motioned to sign the CP warrant for the CSI and Audit expenses, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Ken Gregson (parcel # 271719210100): Mrs. Gregson contacted Commissioner Harris requesting to be included in our District.  Commissioner Harris instructed him to write a letter to the District to request service.  The letter has not been received to date.

Two Rivers Sand & Gravel office:  The main line was in the process of being extended west of Fir Drive towards the Two Rivers property.  POW was informed by someone at Two Rivers that they do not want a meter or service.  Commissioner Harris will contact DOH, to verify the current water service to the Two Rivers building to determine if connection would be required by DOH.

Brown Road Connection issue:  Charlie reported that all customers that needed to extend their service lines in order to be connected to the new main were in the process of doing so.

Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc Marquis write a letter to the Brown Road User Assoc. Board informing them that after the switch to the new main is done, their customers can no longer use the water they are currently using for potable water, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Dickinson Short Plat:  Karen Dickinson has received a preliminary approval from the County for the short plat. Commissioner Klasell motioned to have Marc prepare an easement for the Dickinson, etal and a letter of commitment, Commissioner Ratley seconded, passed.


Audit Status:  Commissioner Klasell reported that they are done with the Financial and the Federal portion of the audit, but not the Accountability portion.  For the Federal we did not do the suspension and disbarment investigation before we entered into a contract with RH2.  Anyone that we pay more than twenty five thousand to, we have to do the suspension and disbarment verification.  Commissioner Klasell motioned to adjust our policy to match the corrective action plan as stated in OMB Circular A-133, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.  The policy will be added to our directives.  For the Financial the expenditure for the capital portion were not broken out but lumped together and the debt was overstated in that it referenced the entire loan balance, not just the 12-month expended in 2014..

Commissioner Harris motioned to authorize Commissioner Klasell to take the BARS training, Commissioner Ratley seconded, Commissioner Klasell did not vote, passed. 


Maple Drive leak:  Charlie reported that it is still leaking.  He contacted Mike McCommas from Leavenworth Electric to repair it.  Clerk Kinney will contact them again to find out the status and inform them of the prevailing wage requirement, unless the owner does the work, and to also obtain proof of liability insurance.

Charlie also reported that there is a leak on the West end of Brown Road.  Mike Dickinson has been contacted to fix that leak.

Sulfide and Ammonia test for the Homestead well:  The results were received for the ammonia portion which was <0.7 parts per million.  Charlie will discuss with Clayton at RH2.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:40 pm

Next meeting is Oct 08, 2015 at 10 am at Fire Station #91.

Minutes, September 10, 2015

                                                  Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                        Commissioners Meeting

                                                          September 10, 2015

                                                      At the home of Bruce Harris

Commissioners Present: President – Jim Ratley (Skype), Secretary – Bonnie Klasell, Commissioner – Bruce Harris

Staff Present: Clerk – Elaine Kinney, Operator – Charlie Cruickshank

Guests Present: Barb Harris, Mike Dickinson, Karen Dickinson

Commissioner Harris opened the meeting at 10 am, established a quorum and announced those present.

Commissioner Harris motioned to waive the reading of the August 27, 2015 minutes and accept as written, Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

Public Comments: No public comments

Project Status-Phase 2

Brown Road old pipeline: Commissioner Klasell (who is a member of the BRWUA) felt that it should remain with the District until spring when the District is sure everything with the new piping is working and everyone is on the new system. She indicated that no freeze protection is necessary.

Karen Dickinson’s new parcels: If the meters are placed on the new road (within her property) servicing the new parcels, it would require an engineering plan because the district would own the water main to service them. The other option was for the District will put the meters on the dirt Brown Road and the owners of the property run their own service lines to each parcel.

Archaeology Dig: They are digging and have not found anything. They plan on digging one more day, unless the find something.

Schedule for last three weeks in Sept.: Charlie will prepare a punch list instead for the remaining tasks.

Sulfide test: Charlie has not done anything further.

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Kropi’s second parcel: He would like a water connection. Commissioner Klasell motioned to resend Kropi’s opt-out for his second parcel (271614700050) and let him join the LID, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. Commissioner Harris will get Steve Kropi’s signature on the necessary documents.

Brown Road irrigation issue: When Brown Road users are completely on the new system, the District will have Marc Marquis write the users a letter stating that LWWD will no longer be responsible for the old Brown Road system and it cannot be used as potable water. Once the reservoir has drained, there will be no water in the old lines.

Ryan Barr: His questions have been addressed. He does want a meter.

Seal coating of upper driveways: The Commissioners felt that the motion made at the last meeting gave RH2 the OK to complete the seal coating.


Audit: One Commissioner will complete the in person exit interview at the auditor’s office and the other two Commissioners will conduct it by phone.

Commissioner Klasell discussed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for August 2015; as of 9/11/15 our funds are $44,904.98 at the County; Imprest balance is $405.60. We have $430.54 worth of customer payments past due 60 days.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $ 2,417.96. Commissioner Harris seconded; motion passed. The Imprest expenditures in August were $70.00 for postage, $43.35 printer ink.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign Phase 1 A19 #37 for $993.59 Phase 2 A19 #9 for $289,964.82 and corresponding CPF warrant for both, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed. This includes POW Pay Request #5 for $266,787.54.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the August payroll warrant for $1,573.00, Commissioner Ratley seconded, motion passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the mileage for her trip to Wenatchee for the Audit, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.


There were no additional operation issues at this time.

Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 12:00 pm and announced that the next meeting is September 24, 2015 at 10 am.