September 26, 2013 Minutes


                                                     Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                          Commissioners Meeting

                                                              September 26, 2013

                                                            at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris (via phone), Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney, Charlie Cruickshank

Professional:  Marc Marquis

Commissioner Klasell called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, acknowledged a quorum


Commissioners approved and signed the revised Sept. 12, 2013 minutes

Project Issues

USFS Permit Update:  The Forest service is working on preparing the notice to be published in the paper.  There will be a 30 day response period after it is published which will occur around the end of October. If there are no responses the decision notice and permit can be issued.

Budget Overages/Funding options: Commissioner Klasell presented the Rural Development Funding requirements which are extensive and have to be completed before and application can be submitted.
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She also reported that she talked with Darwin Parker of Banner Bank who indicated that he would rather issue a revenue bond instead of including the loan in the LID. The Commissioners agreed that obtaining private funding is the better way to proceed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to allow the private lenders to contact our attorney Marc Marquis, if they have any questions regarding the LID, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed.

99% Plan: Following a brief discussion regarding the plan Commissioner Klasell moved to accept the 99% plan so it can be presented to the DOH, Commissioner Harris seconded, passed. 

Maria Meyer: Marc reported that he had heard from her attorney with a request that the district pursue adding her service to the wetland variance.  The Commissioners agreed that before any more work is done on the issue, that Maria must agreed to be responsible for any costs (Engineer and Attorney) to pursue the matter further.  Marc will inform her attorney.

Bill Burgess Connection: The Commissioners agreed that another letter should be sent to Mr. Burgess regarding either joining the LID or being removed from the system.

DOE/Water Rights Transfer: Marc reported that all the other water rights transfer reports are almost ready to be submitted to the DOE.  He is confident that they will be accepted this time.

System Issues

Registering with 811-Call Before You Dig: Clerk Kinney reported that she had been in contact with Call Before You Dig and they will notify us if there is a planned dig in our area, but we would have to do the locating.  Marc indicated that legally we are required as a District to participate.  The Commissioners felt that Charlie would be the best person to do the locating.  The District will purchase any needed equipment to do this.  Clerk Kinney will obtain the necessary application and get the process started.

Clerk Kinney will send an email to Paul Gray who prompted the issue to let him know that in the future we will be participating and the Charlie will mark his water service.

Snow Plowing:  The three small roster contractors that we contacted for a bid last year will be approached again this year.  The Commissioners agreed that we will require the use of a smaller piece of equipment for the Mountain Park well house. Commissioner Klasell agreed to prepare the letters.

Our operator Charlie passed out water usage reports for review.  I pointed out that there is a significant leak in the Lester Addition.  He investigated the area and located the sound of running water at one residence.  Commissioner Harris agreed to contact the homeowner and report back.

Commissioner Klasell moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 am, Commissioner Bohn seconded, meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will October 10, 2013 at 10:00 am.


September 12, 2013 Minutes


                                                 Lake Wenatchee Water District

                                                    Commissioners Meeting

                                                       September 12, 2013

                                                     at Station 9 Fire House


Commissioners Present: President-Bruce Harris, Secretary- Bonnie Klasell Commissioner Landis Bohn

Staff Present: Clerk Elaine Kinney

Guests:  Barb Harris, Jim Ratley

Commissioner Harris called the meeting to order at 10:05 am, acknowledged a quorum


Commissioners approved and signed the revised 08/22/13 minutes

Commissioner Klasell distributed the reconciled Treasurer’s Report for June 2013; as of 8/31/13 our funds are $20,580.30. Accounts Receivable is $9,700.59, of which $511.80 is past due.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated DWSRF budget as of 8/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the A19 voucher #19 for $3,725.00 and supporting CPF warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harris, passed.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the Payroll voucher for August in the amount of $,1,322.50. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed.

Commissioner Klasell distributed the updated O&M budget as of 8/31/13.

Commissioner Klasell moved to sign the O&M warrant in the amount of $2,697.53 .  Motion seconded by Commissioner Bohn, passed. Imprest account does not need reimbursement, balance is $594.89.  Last month we spent $406.89 on a new laptop and accessories, and $66.46 for postage from the Imprest account.

Commissioner Harris asked if the other Commissioners had any objections to disposing of the old District laptop.  No one had any objections.  It was decided that the laptop should be recycled at Goodwill where it is free.

Commissioner Harris reported that Richard McCord has decided to wait until construction is complete to hook up to the District water system.

IAAC attendance: There was discussion as to whether to send one of the Commissioners to the conference.  Karen Kornher from RH2 felt that is was necessary, Commissioner Klasell spoke with Cathi Read at Dept. of Commerce about scheduling a tech team meeting at the conference. Cathi felt it was not beneficial since there are no other funding sources available this year that LWWD has not already contacted.  The Commissioners decided to skip attendance at the conference this year.

Project Issues

99% Plan Review: The following items were identified to review with RH2 before signing off on them:

  • The Commissioners felt that the verbiage addressing “fire hydrants” should be changed by removing the word fire.  They felt they can be called “hydrants” but not related to fire.
  • Obtain a list of all the parcels receiving meters from RH2.
  • Address the moving of Landis Bohn’s meter.
  • A clarification of the number of meters we will need to purchase.  It is not clear how they got to the number they reported.

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Meter move from 6 lots from upper system: RH2 has recommended that rather than expend the money to dig up and move the existing vaults and meters to the LWWD easement or the County right away on Lakeview Drive that new meters be installed.  The existing meters can be removed by the district at a later date and used for future installations because they are only 8 years old and in good condition.  The Commissioners felt that we should follow RH2 recommendations.

USFS Permit Update: Commissioner Klasell reported that once the USFS issues the decision notice, there is a 30 day comment period.  If no negative comments are received, the decision memo is issued awarding the permit  If anyone complains, than there will be a 45 day appeal period following the 30 comment period.  The decision notice has not been issued as of this meeting, but is expected to be done soon.

DWSRF funding availability:  Commissioner Klasell reported that there are no available funds from the DOH until 2014.  She will contact Rose at the Rural Development agency to verify the requirements and total funds available per applicant, she will report her findings at the September 26, 2013 meeting.

Other Issues

The situation surrounding next year’s Commissioner position 1 was discussed.  Commissioner Bohn does not want to run for another term.  The time limit has expired to place this position on the ballot for the 2014 thereby losing the opportunity for a write in vote.  Jim Ratley indicated that he will volunteer to assume the position, if Commissioner Bohn will resign his position after 2013. Since Commissioner Bohn would be obligated to remain in position 1 until the next election in two years, he said he would provide the board with a decision on resignation or continuing on as commissioner within the next few meetings.

This issue of two of the three Commissioners residing in Arizona for part of the year was discussed.  It was felt that with use of Skype, the task could be accomplished

Commissioner Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 am , Commissioner Klasell seconded, passed.

The next meeting will be held on Sept. 26, 2013 at 10:00 am